Unable to Successfully Create a CloudFront Distribution - Please Help


I have been attempting to create a CloudFront distribution but so far have been unsuccessful, each time resulting in a rollback. As inputs I have been using the following:

SubDomain: www DomainName: my.domain.com HostedZoneId: ID provided by my AWS hosted public DNS sub-domain

Here is what I am seeing under Events:

Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:stack/amazon-cloudfront-secure-static-site-templates-main-mycompany-cli-CloudFrontStack-114S25YSM36KV/a210b5c0-38a8-11ef-80e2-0affec61daf9 was not successfully created: The following resource(s) failed to create: [ResponseHeadersPolicy].

33 Answers

Yep. It's too bad we couldn't sort out the immediate issue right now, but for some general advice, CloudFormation is reasonably good at dependency management, if the feature is just used.

For example, if one CloudFormation stack creates an S3 bucket for logs, and a different CloudFormation stack uses that bucket as the destination for a CloudFront distribution to send its logs, then the way to prevent these kinds of confusing situations is to "export" the name and ARN of the S3 bucket from the stack that created the bucket, and to "import" that reference into the other stack that declares the CloudFront distribution.

This way, CloudFormation will understand that the S3 bucket stack shouldn't be deleted or the S3 bucket removed from it, as long as any other stack still has a reference to it. It wouldn't even allow deleting the dependent resource or its containing stack, as long as the reference existed.

However, technically, there's nothing to prevent the S3 bucket or any other resource from being provisioned with CloudFormation in one stack and its name simply to be specified manually as input for another stack, or even a resource created entirely manually, without CloudFormation. In either situation, CloudFormation would not know that there's a dependency, leaving it up to the operator to understand and deal with the dependencies and the proper order for disposing of the resources.

Leo K
answered 7 days ago
Accepted Answer

That's just the 63 characters long that is the maximum for the name of an S3 bucket. You should be able to create it.

Leo K
answered 7 days ago
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reviewed 7 days ago

Find the embedded stack in the CloudFormation console (probably in "Deleted" status) and check on its "Events" tab if there's a more detailed error there. There's probably something attempted to be embedded in the response header policy in the nested stack, but it's impossible to guess with any accuracy what it might be, without seeing the template or a more specific error message.

Leo K
answered 7 days ago
  • I already deleted the failed stack but let me try again. Will reply back shortly.

  • Deleted stacks remain in the "deleted" status for some time. You should be able to see them even after deletion by adjusting the filter in the console to show "deleted" instead of only "active" stacks.


Maybe this, from the ACM Certificate stack whose state is now "DELETE_IN_PROGRESS"

2024-07-02 13:20:51 UTC-0700
Certificate arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:891377000524:certificate/e4a48654-b445-4dc9-8bbe-fc3e5e9dd10f in account 891377000524 is in use. (Service: AWSCertificateManager; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ResourceInUseException; Request ID: f5422efb-8926-44d6-bc01-1faab504f8be; Proxy: null)
answered 7 days ago
  • That means that a TLS certificate in ACM (Amazon Certificate Manager) is attempted to be deleted, but it is associated with a resource, preventing its deletion. The resource using it must first be detached from the certificate or the resource be deleted. Open the ACM console, find the certificate in question, and open it. It will show the resource identifiers that are using it.


I tried that too but the original bucket name (created by CloudFormation) is 83 characters long while the character limit for new buckets is 63 characters.

Here is the original bucket name: amazon-cloudfront-secure-static-site--s3bucketlogs-gqssvd4h8bn9.s3.amazonaws.com

Its not clear if any portion of that can be truncated and still be a) legal and b) recognizable

answered 7 days ago
  • Drop the .s3.amazonaws.com suffix.


Yes I found it. I presume that I don't want to delete it, only disassociate it. If so, whats the best way to do that?

Thank you.

answered 7 days ago

You can delete the stack again. It will ask what you want to do with the resources that failed to get deleted on the previous round. You can choose to retain them. That will cause the stack to be deleted but the resource/s you selected to be left behind, no longer managed by CloudFormation.

If you want, you can later import those resources into a newly created stack, only containing the remaining resources.

Leo K
answered 7 days ago

I think the issue might be related to a stack that is stuck in the deletion state for a few hours now. More than likely its holding on to all of those resources.

Is there any way for force delete a deletion job that appears "stuck"?

answered 7 days ago
2024-07-02 13:20:52 UTC-0700
The following resource(s) failed to delete: [Certificate].

Then when I go into certificate manager to delete the certificate, I get this:

Certificate in use
1 of the 1 selected certificates to delete is in use (associated with other AWS resources) and cannot be deleted. Disassociate the certificate below from each of its associated resources and try again.
answered 7 days ago

You might be able to disentangle linked resources, such as removing the association between an ACM certificate and a resource using it, such as a CloudFront distribution or Application Load Balancer, by modifying the TLS settings of the resource. But in general, it's best to find the root dependency and resolve whatever issue is blocking it from progressing. Once it's sorted out, the rest might fall neatly like dominoes.

Leo K
answered 7 days ago

I am not really sure how to do that, given that this is for an S3 static website.

answered 7 days ago

Which resource is shown by ACM as using the certificate? Is it a CloudFront distribution or something else?

Leo K
answered 7 days ago

Definitely Cloudfront.


answered 7 days ago

Okay, then you can open the CloudFront console, find the distribution by the ID ACM showed, click Settings/Edit, and remove the "custom SSL certificate" specified for the distribution.

Leo K
answered 7 days ago

Unfortunately after selecting the one and only stack I don't see a Settings option. Could that be because it is stuck in a deletion state?

answered 7 days ago

Not the CloudFormation stack but the CloudFront distribution. Type "cloudfront" in the search box at the top of the console screen to switch from CloudFormation to CloudFront.

Leo K
answered 7 days ago

Found it thank you. I removed the certificate. Assuming the deletion fails again I hope to restart the deletion and hopefully it should succeed a third time.

In the meantime, I assume its safe to start a new distribution. Should I be able to use the existing certificate that maps to my subdomain, www.my.domain.com, or should I delete that certificate?

Thanks in advance.

answered 7 days ago

If you're using CloudFormation to provision and manage your infrastructure, it's definitely best to use it for all the dependent resources. I recommend you create a new certificate and a new CloudFront distribution with CloudFormation and not use the old resources left in a somewhat indeterminate state.

ACM certificates are completely free, so there's no harm in creating a new certificate.

Leo K
answered 7 days ago

Oh man, getting blocked from removing the certificate or disabling Standard Logging because the 3S bucket for logging was previously disabled.

The S3 bucket that you specified for CloudFront logs doesn't exist: amazon-cloudfront-secure-static-site--s3bucketlogs-gqssvd4h8bn9.s3.amazonaws.com
answered 7 days ago

While removing the custom SSL certificate from the settings, you should be able to disable the "standard logging" option as well that points to the now-nonexistent S3 log bucket.

Leo K
answered 7 days ago

Yes thats what I tried the first time but no luck. Everytime I receive the following error:

The parameter S3 bucket has been deleted.

answered 7 days ago

Are you sure you selected the "off" option for standard logging? There should be no bucket specification when it's set to off.

If it's definitely giving that error when trying to disable logging, then there might be no shortcut to simply waiting CloudFormation to give up on the operations that it still considers as pending. Once the deletions have failed, you'll have the option to delete the stacks again and retain the leftover resources, which you can clean up manually afterwards.

Leo K
answered 7 days ago

Yes, it gives that error even when I disable logging, very strange.

I think you are correct and I am just going to have to wait. AFAIK, there are no resources worth saving so should I just delete all?

answered 7 days ago

It might make CloudFormation get even more confused as to what's happening. I think it might be best to just let it sort things out, unless you can pinpoint a specific knot to open, like we tried to do with the removal of the SSL certificate, although that failed.

Leo K
answered 7 days ago

OK thank you, I will just have to wait. Unfortunately I appear to be at a hard block for now, This has been a rough introduction to CloudFront/CloudFormation.

Thanks again for your help!

answered 7 days ago

Thats all excellent advice, and hopefully the more hands-on I have with these tools strategies like that will come more naturally to me. I will save/bookmark/flag for future reference if there is a way to do so.

OK the last remaining CloudFormation stack FINALLY deleted but when I try to disable the distribution in CloudFront I am getting the same error message as before:

Failed: The S3 bucket that you specified for CloudFront logs doesn't exist: amazon-cloudfront-secure-static-site--s3bucketlogs-gqssvd4h8bn9.s3.amazonaws.com

I seem to be caught in a pretty nasty feedback loop. Any suggestions?

answered 7 days ago

For a quick workaround, simply create a bucket by that name manually, then try to delete the CloudFront distribution again. Delete the bucket if the deletion succeeded.

Leo K
answered 7 days ago

My previous response appears to have been deleted. The character length of the original bucket created by CloudFormation is 83 which is 20 characters longer than what is allowed.

Is there a workaround for this?

answered 7 days ago

Well I just discovered what a base name is, lol. All good.

answered 7 days ago

Base-name as defined by documentation would suggest the following:


But this is still 4 characters too long!

answered 7 days ago

The bucket name was probably something like s3bucketlogs-gqssvd4h8bn9. The .s3.amazonaws.com suffix in any case isn't part of it.

To be sure, you can find the deleted CloudFormation stack that used to declare the S3 bucket by filtering the list of stacks by the "deleted" status. On the Resources tab of the stack, you'll probably still see the bucket's name.

Leo K
answered 7 days ago

Yes I found it, but sadly it does not look any different,


Enter image description here

answered 7 days ago

You are right! Maybe I should have bothered to count it. Once again, thank you for your gracious support and most of all, your time!

answered 7 days ago