Appstream: Original Appstream link is expired after 7 days, Application Persistent storage is active, New appstream link doesnt show the workspace in D:\ and configuration is reset.


Iam currenly working on the Blu Age L3 Workshop. I completed till data migration and everything was working correctly. Iam unable to access my appstream URL as below error is displayed. "400. Bad Request An error occurred when we tried to process your request. Please clear your cookies and try the request again."

The URL expiry date was set for 7 days and it is now past 7 days. Hence I created a new streaming URL, however the workspace I created in D:\ is not available. How I can get my workspace available inthe new URL and continue with the workshop. The fleet and stack are currently active

Steps tried for resolution

  1. I cleared the browser cookies and restarted browser, tried accessing the url, same error
  2. Restarted the fleet, and tried accessing URL, same error
  3. Created a new streaming URL - it doesnt show my work which was completed so far.

What needs to be done, to get the workspace in new appstream URL

2 Answers

Files stored outside **D:/PhotonUser/My Files ** are not synchronized with the S3 bucket and may be lost when session is over.

Take a look at this

answered 13 days ago

Apart from the suggestion provided by Alae, one other common mistake I have observed with my colleagues, not using the correct user ID while creating the streaming URL. If you see the step5, the user ID is "BluAge-L3-Workshop-User". If the URL was created with this for the first time, then all future URLs must be created with the same user ID. Otherwise a completely clean session gets created with the provided new user ID.

You can verify if you may have also done the same mistake in couple of ways, and the easiest way is to look at the Bill breakup. If there are more than 1 user against "$4.19 per user per month for RDS SAL User Fees in AWS region", then this is likely the reason for not getting the files synced.

Create a streaming URL Follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to AppStream 2.0 service
  2. Click on Stacks menu (on left)
  3. Select BluAge-L3-Workshop-Stack
  4. Click on Action menu and select Create Streaming URL
  5. Set User ID to BluAge-L3-Workshop-User
  6. Set URL expiration to 7 Days
answered 13 days ago