I have a react project that tried to switch to AWS Amplify Authenticator, but got errors: Unhandled Rejection (Error): register failed, invalid key $$typeof from plugin /src/app.tsx.


For my react project, I used antDesign login before, and now I want to switch to AWS Amplify Authenticator. react version: 18.2.0 react-dom: 18.2.0 I installed some necessary packages: aws-amplify: 6.3.8 @aws-amplify/backend: 1.0.3 @aws-amplify/backend-cli: 1.0.4 @aws-amplify/ui-react: 6.1.12

, but I get an error: Unhandled Rejection (Error): register failed, invalid key $$typeof from plugin /src/app.tsx.

Can someone please help.

asked 13 days ago297 views
1 Answer

The error message you’re seeing typically indicates that there’s an issue with the configuration of AWS Amplify in your project. The $$typeof key is a property added by React for security reasons, and it should not interfere with the Amplify configuration.

Ensure that Amplify is configured correctly in your project. You should import the aws-exports.js file and pass it to Amplify.configure(). Also check if the versions of aws-amplify and @aws-amplify/ui-react you’re using are compatible with each other and reinstall Node Modules

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answered 13 days ago