Amazon WorkMail You have exceeded the sending limit for this account.


I have been using Amazon WorkMail for a long time and recently started getting the message, "You have exceeded the sending limit for this account." I barely send any emails and nothing has changed as far as I know.

To troubleshoot I went to Amazon SES for the first time (didn't think I needed to as WorkMail is a fully managed service?). Anyways, I moved it out of sandbox mode into production mode and can send emails just fine using its testing tool and everything is verified. However, when I use the WorkMail webmail client for my account, all the emails I try to send bounce back with "You have exceeded the sending limit for this account." message. I can receive emails just fine. What's going on?

asked 9 days ago137 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

It started working again...

answered 8 days ago
  • Hi,

    That is good to hear you're able to send mail again. Some extra feedback, in the WorkMail console you can find metrics on how much mail you're sending. Another thing I forgot to mention. Any issues with you account might also lead to a restriction on the number of mails you can send.

    Kind regards, Robin



The error means you've hit the limit of mails per user or organization. I took a look at your account and I did not see any enforcement placed on it. WorkMail is a managed business mail and calendaring solution not meant for mass/automated mailing. So it seems your use case is not one for WorkMail but should be done via SES.

You can use both SES and WorkMail in conjunction, WorkMail for receiving mail and normal business mail communication and SES for mass and or automated mailing.

Kind regard, Robin

answered 9 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 8 days ago
  • Hello,

    Thanks for taking a look. I have been using WorkMail for years via Microsoft Outlook. What you said does not explain why I suddenly can no longer send emails. I have not hit any quotas as far as I know. My account is in good standing, I barely send any emails, and my storage is fine, etc. If WorkMail is "managed" I should be able to send emails via both the web client (, and Outlook. I should not have to mess with SES at all... Any ideas?