Cloudfront - High volume 401 error


I have a Cloudfront with S3 and ALB origins. My Cloudfront has WAF in front. How is it possible CD metrics register a high volume 401 error? WAF didn't receive/register that volume of requests. Only Cloudfront has this error spike.! I have Cloudfront Logs active, but logs don't have these errors.

Cloudfront and WAF sum Metrics

1 Answer

HTTP 401 is a prompt for the client to authenticate. Have you a Lambda@Edge function, CloudFront Function, a Captcha action or custom HTTP 401 response configured in your WAF rules, or a Cognito authentication action in your ALB's listener rules that might prompt authentication at the HTTP layer from your users?

Leo K
answered 13 days ago
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reviewed 13 days ago
  • Hi Leo.. thank you.

    I don't have a function, captcha, custom 401 in WAF, or ALB Cognito.

    In my view, WAF should count all requests, but it has 3.108 allowed requests and CF has 16.000 401 errors.

    I see the ALB metrics, and it don't have 4xx error.