Dmarc issue on external hosting using AWS SES


Hi there, we are using Amazon SES as email service for a Magento webshop on an external hosting (non Amazon). When I add a DMARC dns record to the domain, emails are not arriving at for example Gmail etc. When sending it to a mail test service, i get the following error:

Running Identifier Alignment verification
SPF domain does not align with RFC5322.From domain ( != Alignment mode: relaxed.
DKIM domain does not align with RFC5322.From domain ( != Alignment mode: relaxed.

 Finalizing DMARC
SPF auth result is pass, but the SPF domain is not in alignment. DMARC SPF result is fail.
DKIM auth result is pass, but the DKIM domain is not in alignment. DMARC DKIM result is fail.

Because at least the SPF or DKIM check has to produce a pass result and have their domain be in alignment, the DMARC result is fail.

In this message I've replaced the actual domain name with With having as domain, what steps do I need to take to fix this?

  • Can you provide your dmarc record? Have you enabled DKIM on SES?

asked 6 days ago98 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Use SPF or DKIM to authenticate your email identity and comply with DMARC. If you’re sending email from a domain that’s not verified, your email will fail DMARC. So, verify your domain.

Set up a custom MAIL FROM domain: Make sure the Mail From value is a subdomain of your verified domain to pass SPF alignment and DMARC validation.

Look at this repost entry

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answered 5 days ago
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reviewed 5 days ago
  • Thanks for the answer. Domain was already verified but there was no DMARC yet at our SES account. So went through the process in DKIM settings with Easy DKIM. Now all good!