Is it possible to have multiple domains and emails for SES on the same AWS account ? The domains and email accounts work separately / independently.


Hi There, I have multiple businesses with that have separate domains and email addresses. I want to use my one AWS account and one SES service for all of them. They do not work across each other, in other words, they are independent.

asked 7 days ago129 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi Digital Universe,

Please try this below solution i hope it will helps to resolve your issue.

1. Verify Multiple Domains in SES

Verify each domain:

  • Go to the SES console.
  • Choose “Verified Identities” from the left-hand menu.
  • Click “Create Identity” and select “Domain”.
  • Follow the prompts to add each domain you want to use. This includes adding DNS records to each domain's DNS settings to verify ownership.

2. Create Separate Email Addresses

Add email addresses:

  • For each domain, you can verify specific email addresses if needed. Go to “Verified Identities” and choose “Email Address” instead of “Domain”.
  • Enter the email addresses and follow the verification process.

** 3. Set Up Different Identities for Each Business**

Configure different identities:

  • In the SES console, under “Verified Identities”, ensure each domain and email address is verified.

  • Configure DKIM for each domain to improve email deliverability.

    4. Use Different ‘From’ Addresses

Configure ‘From’ addresses:

  • When sending emails, specify the From address for each email. Ensure the From address matches one of the verified email addresses or domains.
  • For example, if you have and, you can send emails from and

5. Set Up Sending Limits and Policies

Manage sending limits:

    • You might want to set sending limits per domain or per email address to ensure they stay within your SES sending limits.

6. Integrate with Your Application

Configure your application:

  • Modify your application’s email sending configuration to use the appropriate From address and domain for each business.
  • If using different AWS IAM roles for each business, ensure each role has the necessary permissions to send emails using SES.

Example SES Send Email Configuration

  • Here is an example configuration for sending an email using the AWS SDK for JavaScript (Node.js):

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const ses = new AWS.SES({ region: 'us-west-2' });

const sendEmail = async (fromAddress, toAddress, subject, body) => {
  const params = {
    Source: fromAddress,
    Destination: {
      ToAddresses: [toAddress],
    Message: {
      Subject: {
        Data: subject,
        Charset: 'UTF-8',
      Body: {
        Text: {
          Data: body,
          Charset: 'UTF-8',

  try {
    const result = await ses.sendEmail(params).promise();
    console.log('Email sent:', result);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error sending email:', error);

sendEmail('', '', 'Subject for Business 1', 'Email body for Business 1');
sendEmail('', '', 'Subject for Business 2', 'Email body for Business 2');

answered 7 days ago
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reviewed 7 days ago
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reviewed 7 days ago


It is possible to manage multiple domains with one account and send emails with Amazon SES.
Just follow the steps in the document below to verify your domain within one account.

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answered 7 days ago
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reviewed 7 days ago
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reviewed 7 days ago
  • Hi There, I an au fait with this process however I need to know if it is possible to have more than one domain with associated email on one SES that is using one AWS account ?