FFmpeg x AWS Lambda : convert .ts files from .m3u8 playlist to .mp4



I install FFmpeg on Lamba layers when I use it I can’t read m3u8 playlist from s3. I would like to convert each .ts files from m3u8 file to .mp4.

Kind regards,

4 Answers

Lambda is probably not the best way to do this, given that transcoding is very compute intensive, and a lambda function would require a lot of compute and end up costing you more money than provisioned capacity.

To answer your question on being unable to read from S3. from your comment it looks like you are trying to treat lambda like it is a virtual machine, by simply calling the lambda function directly. This would require you to make your S3 bucket publically accessible. This is likely not the best way to do this with Lambda.

You don't mention what your Lambda run-time is, however, for sake of example, assuming this is Python. If you want to use ffmpeg in a lambda function consider using something like ffmpeg-python and putting that in your layer. This provides Python bindings for ffmpeg and will make it easier to use. You could then use the AWS Boto3 SDK for S3 to stream from S3 directly to ffmpeg - with Boto3 handling authentication and interaction with S3.

For this to work the Lambda execution role that your function is using needs to have permissions to be able to access S3 where the playlist files are stored. An example of such a permission policy is:

      "arn": "arn:aws:iam::123123123123:policy/lambda-limited-s3-access",
      "document": {
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
            "Sid": "allowListBuckets",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*"
            "Sid": "allowList",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Now moving beyond lambda, if you would like to do transcoding like this - I would suggest that you take a look at Elemental Media Convert in AWS. This is a hardware accelerated transcoding service for exactly this type of use-case, where you need to process millions of files.

answered 12 days ago
  • I prefer to use FFmpeg x Lambda because is less cost than Mediaconvert https://medium.com/@samuelspycher/record-hls-live-streams-as-mp4-to-s3-using-aws-lambda-and-ffmpeg-cc96cfd583da. I have a lot of .ts files maybe 2 millions. The cost for Mediaconvert is 10k $ but for FFmpeg is just 1k $.

  • You absolutely can use Lambda with FFmpeg, if that is your preferred approach. Fixing your permissions for your lambda execution role (as above) and using FFmpeg bindings for whatever your lambda runtime is, will do the job. Read the playlist file, to get the .ts names, and then transcode each file with FFmpeg. You can use two lambda functions one, to reach the m3u8 file, identify the .ts files you need to transcode, and insert the names into a queue, and then you can have a different lambda function to actually do the transcoding, but taking a task from the queue. That way if you have millions of files to do - you can end up with a larger concurrency with several hundred transcoding lambdas serving the queue at once.

    Curious how you ended up costing out what FFmpeg would cost you, do you know how long each file will take to transcode in Lambda? Lambda and other compute is billed on time?


You should download and parse the .ts files and convert each one like ffmpeg -i input.ts -c:v libx264 -c:a aac output.mp4

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answered 13 days ago

You should use a lambda function to read the m3u8 file and parse each input ts file. Trigger the transcoding using AWS Elemental MediaConvert (https://aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/) to convert each .ts file into MP4. Or you can just use MediaConvert to use the .m3u8 manifest as the input and output a single MP4 from all the .ts segments

answered 12 days ago
  • How can I convert .m3u8 file directly to .mp4 files with Mediaconvert or FFmpeg ?


You probably have a permissions issue here - it's unlikely that ffmpeg is adding any credentials to the S3 request so it will be anonymous; and if the bucket and objects are not set up for public access then the request will be denied. If your bucket is set up to only allow authenticated access and the Lambda function has appropriate permissions then you need to find a way to add authentication to the S3 request.

One way of doing this is to use the inbuilt libraries for whatever language you're using in Lambda to download the file and then process it with ffmpeg. Of course, if you can get ffmpeg to sign the request using the appropriate AWS credentials then that will also work but I think that will be much harder than doing the download.

profile pictureAWS
answered 12 days ago
  • I have the authorisation for read and write my bucket but when I try to read it with FFmpeg command I can't open .mp4 file