Aws amplify generation 2 backend code not deploy


Hi i just stuck in deploy backend let me tell you what i have done .

  1. create one ripo in github

  2. clone that repo and install fresh next js and push my code .

  3. create new aws app using generation 2 simply select repo which i created.

  4. than all setup is done my aws amplify code will deploy and the the url all works fine .

  5. now i install backend through command npm create amplify@latest Above command setup my backend auth and todo resources.

  6. push the code again in github

  7. Aws amplify redeploy automatic because of code change in git .

Issue is am facing is my backend is not connecting it will not create and user or any backend configuration file or no and data resources. Can any one help me out what is the issue . You also try you will also face same issue .

It work fine when

  1. install next js , npm create amplify@latest than push code in repo and than create new app than it work fine it will create backend resources auth and data table .

Not work when

  1. install next js push code to github ,create new app then install npm create amplify@latest push code Than backed data not generated
asked 11 days ago349 views
1 Answer

There are a few things to check. First of all ensure that upon your amplify push the code is really uploaded. (Put the amplifyPush command in prebuild on your buildspec file). Then control your gitIgnore filter to actualy allow all the files you need.

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answered 9 days ago