VPC Endpoint for Route 53


I am prototyping a scenario where a new VPC only has "intra" subnets (private with NO NAT Gateway).

We want to run a service inside the subnet that creates records in Route 53, but I cannot find any VPC endpoint for Route 53 in this list to create. This means our service tries to contact the Route 53 API and fails to do so until a timeout occurs.

I suspect (based on how many other services have an endpoint in the list above) this has not been implemented yet, or there are other ways to achieve this in a private "intra" subnet.

Can anyone advise?

The only option a colleague suggested was to create a VPC endpoint to Cloudformation and run a small stack there to create the records in Route 53. It might work, but seems a little hacky.

Thanks in advance for any help/guidance!


asked a month ago123 views
2 Answers


The only option a colleague suggested was to create a VPC endpoint to Cloudformation and run a small stack there to create the records in Route 53. It might work, but seems a little hacky.

It's true that this is a slightly special workaround, but since Route53's VPC endpoints are currently not supported, I think this method is effective.
If this method cannot be used, you will need to create a NAT Gateway etc. and connect to Route53's API.

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answered a month ago
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You could create a Lambda that you call and pass in a payload with information that you want to put in the Route 53 record. The Lambda will have access to the Route 53 API if you 1/ do not connect it to the VPC and 2/ the IAM role for the Lambda has permissions to create/update/delete records.

Hope this helps.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago