Lambda runtime refresh period limit


As stated in the documentation:

After the function and all extensions have completed, Lambda maintains the execution environment for some time in anticipation of another function invocation. However, Lambda terminates execution environments every few hours to allow for runtime updates and maintenance—even for functions that are invoked continuously. You should not assume that the execution environment will persist indefinitely.

I would like to ask what is the maximum window period expected for the execution environment to remain live, ie what is the maximum expected duration for "a few hours" ?

asked 5 days ago110 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

We do not publish these values because the can change based on different conditions and it is up to the service team to optimize them as needed. You can measure it yourself, but whatever values you get to, may change without any prior notice.

Why do you care about this?

profile pictureAWS
answered 5 days ago
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reviewed 5 days ago
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reviewed 5 days ago
reviewed 5 days ago
  • The reason for asking is so that we may estimate the amount of storage used for the lambda, which may be filled up if the amount of storage is insufficiently provisioned for our usage. Thank you for the clarification.