CRM for Low Impact SaaS Running in the Elastic Beanstalk


We have a SaaS running in the Elastic Beanstalk. Our SaaS is considered Low Impact. I have tried several times using Artifact to find a customer responsibility matrix that provides information on which controls we inherit and which we are responsible for. They do not address Low impact. Any suggestions? This is urgent.

1 Answer


Customer Responsibility Matrix is either drawn out in general for all users in the view of Cloud Security Alliance or for very specific use cases such as GovCloud Users or users who have to follow Defence compliance.

You can look towards our Shared Responsibility Model for Elastic Beanstalk service that talks about the customer and AWS responsibilities in detail. This applies to all kind of applications and resources run within/with the help of Elastic Beanstalk [+] AWS Elastic Beanstalk security -

If you still have further questions, please reach out to our Premium Support for tailored solutions [+]

answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago