Looking to use a route53 domain with a self hosted nginx instance, having issues with ssh certification and domain use


Hi,a while ago I made a static site using a s3 bucket, a domain purchased with route 53 and ssh provided through route 53. I've been trying to reuse this domain in a new site that is selfhosted using nginx, but cant figure out how to link the new domain, what records I should and shouldn't delete. I deleted the lapsed dnssec key, should I delete the entire hosted zone? I'm attempting to use certbot using the command sudo certbot --nginx -d domain.com and am getting the error message :

Invalid response from https://domain.com/.challenge: 403

It's also saying that I need to have the domain point towards the nginx server, I admittedly don't know how to do that... Are there good guides on all of this? I get if y'all flame me for this, but thank you.

1 Answer


You need to change the A record set in the hosted zone for "domain.com" to the public IP address of your EC2 instance.
I don't think any changes are necessary except for the A record.

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answered 12 days ago
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reviewed 12 days ago