With AWS EKS Kubernetes version 1.30, Terraform aws_eks_identity_provider_config times out


We tried to start our AWS EKS test cluster using the new Kubernetes version 1.30. When it comes to applying Terraform aws_eks_identity_provider_config for associating the OIDC provider to the cluster, the process times out after the default 40 minutes. The OIDC identity provider configuration just stays in status "Creating...". With Kubernetes version 1.29, this worked without problem.

I also tried, following the AWS documentation to create the association using aws eks associate-identity-provider-config. This leads to the same situation, i.e. the association is created, but stays in status "Creating..." forever.

Did I miss something to change or adjust for Kubernetes 1.30?

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asked a month ago656 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Starting with 1.30, do not use the cluster OIDC issuer URL by default in the identity provider config

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • Though we're not using terraform-aws-eks, your answer enabled me to solve our problem - thank you so much!