Why is there Increase in costs even after stopping the instances in a particular region?


Recently, I made a project using few of the services in AWS console (S3, Sagemaker), but after shutting down the instances, I can see increase in my cost pattern. How should I minimize it to prevent from further future costs? Here's the image of my Cost Analysis in the console. /media/postImages/original/IMe2Hi6ds8SOq1K2ykNoXKXw) (/media/postImages/original/IMmcrxZQLvQ7y012mm0_EOuA)

2 Answers


The image is not displayed properly.

I can't see the image, so this is just a guess, but is it possible that the SageMaker domain remains?
I can't see the image, so this is just a guess, but is it possible that the SageMaker domain remains and unintended SageMaker resources are running in it?

profile picture
answered 5 days ago
profile picture
reviewed 4 days ago
  • I haven't created any domains in my sagemaker instance. Created an IAM role, but after stopping the instances it's still charging me.


Attached are the images of the cost increase in the cost analysis console. If I delete the instance will there be an increase in billing? If so, what are the ways to prevent it to do so? Amazon SageMaker Billing Management

Cost Increase in my us-west-2 region for the services used (S3, SageMaker)

answered 4 days ago