AWS CloudFront prices from Edge points to origin.


Hi, If we have a CloudFront distribution with an S3 origin we must certainly pay for all requests made from the edge points to the origin. But if the requests are limited to the renewal of the cache contents every 24 hours as default (request from edge to origin), are these types of requests also subject to a payment? If so, what is the weight of a request?

Thanks Andrea Malatesta

1 Answer


besides the fact that every month you have these free Cloudfront services:

  • 1 TB of data transfer out
  • 10,000,000 HTTP or HTTPS Requests
  • 2,000,000 CloudFront Function Invocations

The costs of Data Out of origin is the standard S3 cost, while the Cloudfront fetch is about 0.01 USD every 10K requests.

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answered 6 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 6 days ago

    HTTP requests are a little cheaper. HTTPS is the $0.01 per 10k in the US. Pricing does vary by region -- recommend viewing link for details.

  • Hi, thanks for answering me, but unfortunately I'm still not very clear on the matter.

    In the scenario of a CloudFront distribution with s3 origin (origin is within AWS), excluding the free plan, the following costs must be calculated. Data transfer out to internet: This is the traffic between users and edge locations. Number of requests (HTTPS): This is the number of requests made by users to edge locations. Data Transfer out of Amazon CloudFront to your origin server, such as POST and PUT requests: In this case it is not clear to me whether only cache update requests from the edge locations to the origin are subject to payment. BR