Fiat 600e forced to ditch Italian colors amidst production controversy

22 May 2024
Following the Topolino, Fiat removes the Italian flag from its new electric Fiat 600e, amidst growing controversy over production locations outside of Italy.

  • Anonymous

Anonymous, 23 May 2024Far-right nationalism...So defending actual Italian car manufacturers is now nationalism? I mean, originally, nationalism only meant loving your own nation (modern term is basically fascism). But yeah, Italy protecting it's image is okay in my books, and if a car not built in Italy caries an Italian flag from factory, well that's just plain insulting. Just cause it was designed by Italians isn't enough to place an Italian flag on it.
Imagine Ford putting an American flag on Australian Ford Falcon Ute, plain tasteless.

What a stupid move by the Italian legislators. Fiat should put Moroccan and Polish flags to these models lmao

  • Anonymous

Made in Italy is a brand in itself. And it makes sense for Italians to protect it while at the same time get more stuff made in Italy.

  • Anonymous

Far-right nationalism...