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macrumors 65816
Nov 9, 2009
I have the @Mac version of my primary email address and four out of my five aliases also have @Mac as well as @me and @icloud. I have two of my aliases disabled as I've never used them.

Didn't they reduce the number of allowed aliases at some point from five down to three?

When did they stop issuing .mac?

I've never used the or addresses, only ever the ones. I might start using @Mac, having seen this thread :)

I also have the legacy account name for the Apple Store (no email attached) which means that I need still to log with different accounts for the store/icloud.
Aye, same here. I would really like to be able to merge the two as it would make things a bit easier.


macrumors member
Apr 7, 2022
The older ones would not be special then.......?
I don't see any obstacle to making this possible for the Apple, if of course they see the need for it. People are born and die, old people will not be able to feed Apple forever.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 9, 2006
Ottawa, Canada
My wife and I are continuing to use our email addresses. It's the easiest and most agnostic sounding of the options. Most people have no idea that it's an Apple one. Is there any reason not to use it? Will it stop working?


Nov 30, 2014
Update: seems my email address is tied to my, main email address.
From the Apple iCloud portal, I cannot set the as the default sending email domain. Doing so, merely has it switch to the domain.

Oh well...


macrumors 68040
May 14, 2008
Update: seems my email address is tied to my, main email address.
From the Apple iCloud portal, I cannot set the as the default sending email domain. Doing so, merely has it switch to the domain.

Oh well...
Can't you just select it within Mail as the default...?


macrumors newbie
Jul 19, 2022
So something interesting happened recently.
Back in 2007, when Apple still had emails as a paid service, I created my first Apple account and had given username but never had the email service associated to it (was a student… no $) . Since then, I have been using my address to login but could never use it to send or receive emails. I made a few calls to Apple to see if that could be activated and used as part of my email address but the response I got was that because I never used the service that email cannot be activated. The Genius guys was very sorry but very nice to me.
So I gave up and sticked with my or whatever…

Until this week. Somehow, that @mac.con email appeared in my iCloud mailbox and I now can receive and send emails from it!! 15years later. Somebody might have done something in the backend! Thanks Apple guy/gal :)
Last edited:


macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
I just decided to try my address, never having ever used it before. I receive monthly icloud storage bills to this account but cannot send to or receive any other email on it. However, my account works both ways. I just have to configure it to use the icloud backend for the mail server. Never wasted a penny on iTools either. I'm just old enough to have had an account when Apple was all but pressing these on you.
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macrumors 68030
Jan 3, 2014
Silicon Valley, CA
My grown daughter's never worked, Apple Support could not make it work! She is using
Since I had that from the beginning, I decided to go back to, too.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 29, 2007
I still use mine.
Like any well established contact information, it's very hard to change.
And there is a certain amount of prestige in having a short and nice sounding email extension.
Unfortunately I have never liked the .icloud extension - it conjures up visions of spreadsheets, MS word and office furniture.


macrumors newbie
Jan 12, 2024
I got my .mac email address as soon as Apple offered iTools. I love it and it is still my primary (private only to friends, banks, airlines).email where anything important goes. I have other accounts, both Apple ( and other providers such as gmail and outlook for junk, politics, etc.

I also got my mom to sign up for itools. She is 86 now and the only email address she has ever has was her first (first initial + lastname). We both love that we're the only people we know with .mac email addresses. Old school mac nerd.


macrumors regular
Apr 18, 2004
Cincinnati, Oh
Just arrived at this ancient thread to report, yes I still use my email as my main daily address. Not sure exactly when I obtained it, but I opened this macrumors account with it, in 2004, so it's at least that old !! I also opened the same address for junk purposes, but the address is still the one I use most.

Edit: lol at my signature here!


macrumors 6502a
Feb 11, 2008
I registered my iTunes account on 6 July 2008 because I bought my first Mac just before that, a cMP3,1 which I still use.

For some annoying reason I received an email address even though it was before 9 July '08 and never got a @Mac address. Pretty annoying.

I still use the @me though.


macrumors 6502
Dec 29, 2004
I use it as my Apple ID for purchases, but the email functionality expired as I didn't have a paid account at the time of the switch to MobileMe. Would love to restore email but I guess it ain't possible without making it an iCloud address.
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