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macrumors 68030
Jun 25, 2003
I finally got the chance to watch the parkour video. I agree with you and others that at times it was hard to watch because it’s so immersive. I enjoyed the scenes of Paris and even caught a restaurant I’ve been to a couple of times.

The new and improved sizzle reel (I think that’s the term at the risk of sounding Hollywood 🤭) is really well done. All I could think of though is that they had all of the equipment set up to record in the balloon, with the elephants and all of those other sports locations. I wish they had just recorded a nice 45 minute film at each location.
Yeah, the reel was an interesting mix of stuff we’ve seen before and intriguing new material. I agree that it doesn’t make sense for Apple to have set up their rig in so many places only to record snippets that will never be shown.

I understand there are practical constraints to live streaming sports events, but there’s a lot of immersive content I’d pay to see, even after the fact.


Jun 30, 2007
Regardless of who’s producing the content it’s going to be a very expensive endeavor. Money that will have to be recouped from end consumers.


So the idea that this kind of content will be readily available and affordable is predicated on a bunch of shaky foundations,

Not sure about availability, but "affordable" is a relative term. Given the number of posts from folks who would be willing to pay big bucks for what is effectively a floor seat makes me think that even at high cost it could be profitable. If the cost is less then ... Way to early to say.
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Dec 13, 2018
Sorry if this has been covered already in the thread - but just wanted to add my name to the list of people who would LOVE to view live sporting events on AVP. I'm big into Tennis and it would be insanely cool to be able to sit court-side (or even better, with multiple possible viewing angles) and watch the action live, or with a short delay. I would pay a stupid amount of money to do this.

Does anyone know what the limiting factor is in doing this sort of live sporting coverage? I've not been able to try the AVP yet as I'm in the UK, but from what I hear the 8K immersive content where you have a 180 degree FOV is very good. Does anyone know how much processing is involved in producing this content, and so whether it's feasible that it could be streamed live (or with a short delay?)

I'd be really interested in knowing whether this kind of thing is possible, as if so, I'm baffled as to why Apple isn't making it a reality using Apple TV+ and their £200bn war-chest...
I’m with you on tennis. I think one limiting factor for sports is going to be working out a deal with the rights holder. I think MLS will be first, and then others will follow when they see the interest and excitement over it. The other limiting factor could be the bandwidth needed to stream the content. My guess is that Apple is working on or has worked out some sort of compression tech to enable this.

The 8K immersive content is indeed mind blowing. I believe Apple knows full well what they have, and they are building up a library of this content. I don’t think we’ll see it all until the device is released in more major countries.


macrumors 65816
Aug 24, 2008
300Mb/s for HDR 8k content [1] The newest spec of internet backbones is 400Gb/s [2] And one hour of streaming would amount to 1 TB of data consumption, that is possibly emitting 9 metric tons of CO2 [3]

So roughly 1500 people watching the latest {insert your sport} game live could overload internet backbones, and produce 89 tons of CO2/ hour, 7 times an average American's production. [4] so at the very least ethically reprehensible.

And most importantly to a profit seeking company, would cost 1'280'000$ to fill Madison square garden [5] or 64$/head only for the infrastructure of the data transfer.

We're most likely to see 3D avatars driven by real time live capture than video transmission [6]

Just think of all that methane gas these statiums could be capturing and reusing. Total waste of resources 😂
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