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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Figured out how to get streaming from my MacPro to my TV working (via Amazon Firestick) from Youtube. Had to install a third party app on the Firestick and basically ignore the app's own instructions. But it's working. For YT at least. My Airplay Mirroring on the Mac itself does not seem to see the Firestick or the third party app. Not really an issue as pretty much the only stuff I'd be streaming would be from YT anyway. And I just don't care enough about it right now to look in to it.

2024-06-30 09.19.20.jpg

Could have done it in Mojave too, but I don't usually do this so I didn't think about it much until today.

EDIT: Oh! With this third party app on the Firestick I can use the Firestick remote for playback control!


macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2020
Just finished replacing internal HDD flex cable that has gone bad in my 13" 2011 MBP. That's the second cable that I had to replace during past 4 months. Cables were sourced from aliexpress, so, apparently, the quality from 'over there' is only so so.


macrumors 68030
Mar 27, 2017
London, UK
Just finished replacing internal HDD flex cable that has gone bad in my 13" 2011 MBP. That's the second cable that I had to replace during past 4 months.

This isn't normal. I've been using the same model since 2020 with a replacement SATA cable that I obtained at the time of purchase and it continues to work to this day.

Cables were sourced from aliexpress, so, apparently, the quality from 'over there' is only so so.

Seems that way. I bought mine from eBay - have a look on there this time around?


macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
Just finished replacing internal HDD flex cable that has gone bad in my 13" 2011 MBP. That's the second cable that I had to replace during past 4 months. Cables were sourced from aliexpress, so, apparently, the quality from 'over there' is only so so.
I use beetstech ummm...yep they are still selling parts.
they are in California and never sell bad parts, well to me.
and they dont over-charge as ifixit does.


macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2020
I use beetstech ummm...yep they are still selling parts.
they are in California and never sell bad parts, well to me.
and they dont over-charge as ifixit does.

Well, my cables from ali look absolutely identical to those that they sell ;)



macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
re: cables

in 2022 i replaced the MBP mid12 ssd-hd cable which works perfect today through them.
since most web developers use clip are and internet photos they will look the same.

that is all i can offer for helping those getting proper replacement parts.


macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2020
re: cables

in 2022 i replaced the MBP mid12 ssd-hd cable which works perfect today through them.
since most web developers use clip are and internet photos they will look the same.

that is all i can offer for helping those getting proper replacement parts.

Yes, thanks, I appreciate it. (Although I'm on the other side of the pond).
What I was trying to say that, IMO, they all source their parts from over there. Maybe mine were from the bad batch or rejects bin. Who knows.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Couple weeks ago I pulled my daughter's old iPhone 5 out of the garage. It'd been sitting there for about three years now. I had it out there so that the battery swelling that is prevalent with the iPhone 5 would go down. Considering the plethora of iPhones I have, three years wasn't too much time to wait. Started charging it yesterday and finally got around to working with it today.

First problem was removing my daughter's Apple ID and turning off FindMy. Whatever I tried, I kept getting a server verification error. Turns out that Resetting Network Settings is the key here. I had the right password, but it wouldn't work until after I did that.

Here it is getting rolling on the restore (it's the White/Silver iPhone 5). I have my black iPhone 5 close by just because. :)

2024-07-02 17.11.34.jpg 2024-07-02 17.11.42.jpg

And, done…

2024-07-02 17.19.20.jpg

Oh yeah, for good measure…

2024-07-02 17.19.57.jpg

This is a Sprint iPhone 5 BTW, which should *never* have been unlocked (just like my Black/Slate iPhone 5), but turns out that when getting a replacement, if the Apple Genius lets you choose your carrier - choosing Verizon will get it unlocked. At least it did in 2017 when Verizon had to unlock out of the box.

Now I get to set up another iPhone 5, iOS 10.3.4. :)
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macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
First problem was removing my daughter's Apple ID and turning off FindMy. Whatever I tried, I kept getting a server verification error. Turns out that Resetting Network Settings is the key here. I had the right password, but it wouldn't work until after I did that.
those phones are wonderful and sturdy while the backs were designed special!

i might get an iPhone 5 blue or a itouch blue next month, hopefully that will be unlocked!
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macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
TODAY i watched the entire stage 4 of the tour de france...without a problem,
on my early Intel MBP '12 running Firefox legacy, while i cut some lawns.
I needed that early intel MBP because the M1 mac mini using safari kept shutting that website off
every minute or so for some strange reason.

i wont try to figure that out, just wait until the early intel macmini 12
arrives either today or friday and enjoy my life.
(i just realized that maybe the 2 homepods mini are at fault i could have shut down icoud on those)


macrumors 6502a
Oct 28, 2021
West Devon, UK
I've been looking for a reasonable excuse to keep both Macbook Pros. The Hi-Res one, well, that's my backup daily driver. The standard one...
And then the Asus 11" notebook I use for my very small business decided to mess me around yesterday and today. So I decided that if I can find a way to move things to an MBP running MX Linux, I will, and the Asus notebooks will be history.
On the Asus, a small 15GB partition was Bitlocker-encrypted for the business information. I need to do something similar in Linux, so will research that. If I can crack that, great - I will have the excuse to keep the much nice, and much larger, Mac!
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macrumors 68030
Mar 27, 2017
London, UK
Earlier tonight via my 2011 MBP, High Sierra and VLC, I watched a short film about the (often curious) passions of Aussie retro-gamer Cameron Bonde and his relationship with the wider retro-gaming community in Melbourne.

His collection is pretty impressive and makes my stash pale into insignificance in comparison! :D

Must've taken him ages to acquire and cost a lot of money...







macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
Earlier tonight via my 2011 MBP, High Sierra and VLC, I watched a short film about the (often curious) passions of Aussie retro-gamer Cameron Bonde and his relationship with the wider retro-gaming community in Melbourne.

His collection is pretty impressive and makes my stash pale into insignificance in comparison! :D

Must've taken him ages to acquire and cost a lot of money...
nice, i saw a intersting documentary Game over, Atari last year
using my early intel macbook pro, of course!
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Certificate of Excellence

macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2021
Relocated my a1408 upstairs to bring strong wireless up there for my wife. I ended up leveraging TPLink gigabit Powerline to route ethernet upstairs to her new office set up and that is crushing it, so the airport off that was the next step. That does mean I pilfered my jankalicious NAS airport extreme for this quick fix so it's offline until I figure a replacement for downstairs in my office. I'm actually thinking about upgrading to a 6th gen Timecapsule or APE so I get up to ac standards and putting that upstairs for my wife and naming that network QT3.14592653589793238462643383279502884197 or some other obnoxiously cute moniker and repatriating my a1408 to my downstairs office to get my retro NAS stood back up.

Anyways, for now crisis averted. Better half has wifi n at around 46mbps down that will work fine for her needs. Don’t mind the lack of cable management. I’ll get to that eventually but to reiterate, that TP-Link gigabit Powerline is excellent. I am very happy with its performance. Additionally there is an Intel Mini sharing these monitors along with her work laptop although the Mini is connected to the APE a1408 WiFi.

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macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
My (according to them s) OBSOLETE, dangerous, scornful and hideous MacBook Pro mid 2012 runing a instinct being such as Mountain Lion OSX which should never be used by humans again!
Just purchased an Apple Magic Keyboard A1314 with box for a nice price!
the transaction was fast, smooth and worked as my currency credentials data
seems to be in the ebay ocean of web-ness.
oh well!
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Got the 2008 MBP on Monterey now. Got to give it some time to calm down, Dropbox is also syncing (it hasn't been on for a while). Then when I feel like it, get to updating apps.

2024-07-04 20.09.17.jpg

Will get to the two Mac Minis in September when I can turn them back on again.
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macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
Got the 2008 MBP on Monterey now. Got to give it some time to calm down, Dropbox is also syncing (it hasn't been on for a while). Then when I feel like it, get to updating apps.

Will get to the two Mac Minis in September when I can turn them back on again.
What everyday people don't realize is these upgrade projects seem easy,
while they are time consuming and tedious.
THEN the entire OCLP process has to work with a strong BT and Wifi signal!

the first thought was those keys...same as a powerbook!
i'm glad they went with the ebony ones with the spacing on the next editions.

hopefully today i get to fully return to early intel and Mt lion only, these new M1 are great but not as reliable OS wise as i always seem to have some silly snafu annoyances with Monterey mostly with Music and TV every time while safari has been bugy this month not streaming. personally the origianl OSX seesm to work the bast on macs as far as battery longevity and over-all response time in using the macbook or mini.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
What everyday people don't realize is these upgrade projects seem easy,
while they are time consuming and tedious.
THEN the entire OCLP process has to work with a strong BT and Wifi signal!

the first thought was those keys...same as a powerbook!
i'm glad they went with the ebony ones with the spacing on the next editions.

hopefully today i get to fully return to early intel and Mt lion only, these new M1 are great but not as reliable OS wise as i always seem to have some silly snafu annoyances with Monterey mostly with Music and TV every time while safari has been bugy this month not streaming. personally the origianl OSX seesm to work the bast on macs as far as battery longevity and over-all response time in using the macbook or mini.
I went at things backwards. My most critical system I upgraded first, the system (2008 MBP) that I don't use much anymore I upgraded second and the two Minis which I will upgraded in September aren't critical either.

As far as WiFi…I have a two band Gigabit router that handles two networks per band and a 2 band Airport Extreme sitting right next to it. Plus the Mac was plugged into ethernet at the time. It all worked out. :D
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Well I use the super simple Charge Limiter -app with my older MBP's but I read AlDente is also popular. I am sure there are others too. And some new(ish) Apple laptops can do it within the OS (more or less successfully).

Here is an article about the matter:
I've been meaning to getting around to finding one of these charger limiters lately and yesterday finally did it. I got back the 2011 MBA I bought for my wife a couple years ago when I got her a 2015 MBP earlier this year.

The MBA has a decent battery, not great, just decent. I recalled that you'd mentioned this. AlDente does not seem to work for anything less than Big Sur, so I went with Charge Limiter.

Working just fine, thank you for bringing it up. I'm not one of those battery people, but there are certain things I want this MBA to do and because of that it means leaving it on charger until I actually need to take it off. In those situations I want the battery to work.
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