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macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
The next Vision Pro would have a M5 or M6 inside it would it not?
If M4 is out today in an iPad, and Vision Pro 2 is not due for another year or two, then we've be much further on my then.


macrumors 68040
Jun 9, 2015
Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s coming to the current version of it. Could be coming in the next generation of vision pro
Yeah when i played the part where he said that, it definitely seemed like a “someday in the future” kinda thing where he’s not even talking about the current version. Crossing my fingers but something tells me I’m gonna be glad i waited for version 2
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macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2017
Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s coming to the current version of it. Could be coming in the next generation of vision pro

True but considering that Apple’s only clearly announced restriction at the moment for Apple Intelligence on a Mac or iPad seems to be having one with Apple Silicon and the AVP has an M2 I’d think hardware compatibility wouldn’t be an issue.

I’m sure Apple will focus on bringing Apple Intelligence to devices based on the install base with iOS, iPadOS and MacOS (in no particular order) being the initial focus and once that’s out the door then they’d focus on other platforms.

I’d think in the interim that Apple’s devs will still spend a lot time getting native visionOS apps in place for the apps they feel need them.

visionOS still isn’t complete IMO and I don’t know that it will be until at least visionOS 3.0 rolls around.

That doesn’t mean we won’t get Apple Intelligence sooner. visionOS is based on iOS after all. I can’t see Apple waiting until 2026, which based on everything I’ve read is when we can reasonably expect version 2.0 of the hardware, to bring Apple Intelligence to the AVP but who knows. We’ll see. I certainly feel better having seen his response in the interview than I did prior.


macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2017
Maybe…but I note that on the page where they discuss Apple Intelligence, one of the footnotes says:

  • Some features, additional languages, and platforms will be coming over the course of the next year.
So, what other platforms would they be referring to? They already mentioned it will be compatible with iPhone, iPad and Mac. Seems to me that AVP is the only possible platform they can be referring to.
HomePods obviously


macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2017
Well the beauty of the apple ecosystem is there is a bunch of hardware that all works together. So if the macbook is already doing the heavy lifting of the virtual display, who's to say that something for Apple Intelligence isn't in the works.

My money is a spec bump to the M3 or M4 and a new R2 chip in the not too distant future though.
Apple will lean more and more on huge leap on R-Chip to free up some of processing power for AVP imo.

So in the next iteration or two we will have R-chip do 80-90% of the work and M4 or whatever in it at the time will do the more general purpose stuffs


macrumors newbie
Sep 19, 2015
Surely the Neural Engine in the M2 will be more than enough to cover the on device processing required for Apple Intelligence features that make sense for the Vision experience, and anything that can't run locally can shift to the the private compute cloud.

There is absolutely nothing stopping Apple from doing that, it's just a case of making the investment in Vision OS, so the question should be more "do Apple want to do?".


macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2017
This article Apple Explains iPhone 15 Pro Requirement for Apple Intelligence seems to indicate that AI could well be too much for an M2 with all the vision stuff going on. Puts me off getting one, since I think voice would be a great interface.

From the article:

These new AI features require Apple's latest iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max models to work, while only Macs and iPads with M1 or later chips will support Apple Intelligence

I’ve not read anything, including the article above, that says an M2 can’t handle Apple Intelligence. If you have an Intel Mac, an iPad without an M1 or higher processor or an iPhone with anything less than the A17 in your iPhone 15 Pro and Max then you’re out of luck.

There’s even video of Craig Federighi talking about bringing Apple Intelligence to the Vision Pro. He doesn’t give a date, probably because it’s not as high a priority as it is to bring it to the iPhones, iPad and Macs due to the much, much smaller install base but I’ve heard absolutely nothing to indicate it’s not coming to the Vision Pro. If Apple intends to bring a lighter, less expensive Vision to market in 2026 then it would absolutely make sense to get AI integrated in the Vision Pro so it’s there and dev’s have had sufficient time to work with it when the 2026 Vision actually ships.
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Jun 30, 2007
Surely the Neural Engine in the M2 will be more than enough to cover the on device processing required for Apple Intelligence features

Maybe, maybe not. The M2 in the Vision Pro is has a lot more work to do than the M2 in other M2 products. We don't know how much extra bandwidth is available for AI processing.
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macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2017
mark gurman said today it's coming to vision pro likely next year

I just got done reading his Power On newsletter and it summed up exactly what many of us have been saying.

The device has the processing power and the RAM for Apple Intelligence. It does sound like perhaps they’ll have to offload more processing to the cloud then they are on other devices, which jives with what John Gruber and some others have been reporting about coming up against some limits with the hardware being taxed in ways it’s not on other devices with an M2, so they’ll be holding off until next year to make sure they aren’t overtaxing the cloud servers that are coming online to process items that are offloaded to it, but that due to the smaller user base they don’t see it as an issue that will prevent them from bringing AI to the device next year. Just not in 2024, which frankly I expected anyway due to the much, much smaller user base.

As a company you want to hit up the devices that are the most popular. Especially iPhones since that device is your bread and butter because you want the best experience possible as quickly as possible on that device in particular to give existing users an incentive to upgrade unless they are already on the 15 Pro or 15 Max.

That makes perfect sense to me. Not brining AI to the Vision Pro didn’t make any sense at all. You can’t advertise it as the platform of the future and not bring at least a good portion of the next big thing you’ll be pushing in software to the device if it has the kind of chip and RAM you say is needed for AI. That part never made sense unless everything was being done on device and it was already at capacity but if that was the case you’d think software developers would be coming up against serious limits as well and we’d be hearing about that which we haven’t so there’s clearly enough processing power on device for developers to do some really cool things which tells me there’s enough juice there for at least a good portion of Apple Intelligence even if you’ve got to offload more than would be ideal.

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
I just got done reading his Power On newsletter and it summed up exactly what many of us have been saying.

The device has the processing power and the RAM for Apple Intelligence. It does sound like perhaps they’ll have to offload more processing to the cloud then they are on other devices, which jives with what John Gruber and some others have been reporting, so they’ll be holding off until next year to make sure they aren’t overtaxing the cloud servers that are coming online to process items that are offloaded to it, but that due to the smaller user base they don’t see it as an issue that will prevent them from bringing AI to the device next year. Just not in 2024, which frankly I expected anyway due to the much, much smaller user base.

As a company you want to hit up the devices that are the most popular. Especially iPhones since that device is your bread and butter because you want the best experience possible as quickly as possible on that device in particular to give existing users an incentive to upgrade unless they are already on the 15 Pro or 15 Max.

That makes perfect sense to me. Not brining AI to the Vision Pro didn’t make any sense at all. You can’t advertise it as the platform of the future and not bring at least a good portion of the next big thing you’ll be pushing in software to the device if it has the kind of chip and RAM you say is needed for AI. That part never made sense unless everything was being done on device and it was already at capacity but if that was the case you’d think software developers would be coming up against serious limits as well and we’d be hearing about that which we haven’t so there’s clearly enough processing power on device for developers to do some really cool things which tells me there’s enough juice there for at least a good portion of Apple Intelligence even if you’ve got to offload more than would be ideal.

Yeah I mean get can’t use ram as an excuse on a device that has 16GB. That’s why they are saying others won’t have it for those with 6GB of ram

I imagine also there’s still loads more to test and why not all features will arrive on time


macrumors 68040
Nov 15, 2012
It’ll be interesting if the chatgpt app will somehow be able to use the new vision features on Vision Pro!
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