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macrumors regular
Aug 3, 2010

So this whole time, I've been trying to update by doing shift + update since I already had my phone backed up and iOS 5.0 IPSW downloaded. I constantly kept getting the 3002 error for the last 2+ HOURS. I finally decided to put my IPSW in my iTunes C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates and just press update and it's ACTUALLY working! This maybe the reason why everyone is getting an error since we're not n00bs to just press update (well I'm not).

This *Really works yo.


Feb 1, 2010
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Error 3200

For your information

The most prevalent problem when upgrading to iOS 5 is “Error 3200.” Apple’s service reps are telling multiple users that this error is something they’re working on, and add that there is nothing users can do to change that error code.

The problem is occurring because there are too many people trying to access Apple’s servers at the same time. The reps say the problems should subside in a few hours.

The problem starts when your device tries to contact Apple servers for authorization. When the servers were slammed the hardest, many of the requests were not being fulfilled. As a result, many users are reporting trying over again, where the Error 3200 mysteriously disappears.

So one way to solve the problem is just to keep trying. Since Apple’s servers are said to only be fulfilling about half the requests, you can easily win the coin-flip and get authorization.


macrumors 601
May 15, 2005
next time

The next time I do this, I am setting up forwarding on my phone first. Shame not being REACHABLE for three+ hours.


macrumors regular
Oct 12, 2011
Originally Posted by jekyoo

So this whole time, I've been trying to update by doing shift + update since I already had my phone backed up and iOS 5.0 IPSW downloaded. I constantly kept getting the 3002 error for the last 2+ HOURS. I finally decided to put my IPSW in my iTunes C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates and just press update and it's ACTUALLY working! This maybe the reason why everyone is getting an error since we're not n00bs to just press update (well I'm not)..

That did it!!!! tried 100 times with no luck, copied it there and it's off and running!


macrumors regular
Jun 18, 2009
No error here...just pissed that it doesnt allow me to place "Reminders" and "Newstand" in a folder.

Weird, I can put Reminders in a folder on my iPad.

As for Newsstand, I think the reason you can't move it to a folder is that it IS a folder, of sorts.


macrumors 601
Feb 22, 2005
Gah! Plymouth
my iPhone lost all it's data and whenever I try and restore it from a backup it gives me error (-50) instantly.

Anyone else have this issue or a way to fix it?


macrumors regular
Aug 8, 2010
After getting 3014 several times earlier, I tried again tonight in Airplane Mode, and it worked. Not sure if it was just a coincidence.


macrumors newbie
Oct 12, 2011
kept trying

kept on trying.. closed iTunes.. reopened.. on fourth try.. started downloading.

Don't get mad, you're not the only one trying to download this thing. Be patient dude. Your iPhone will get version 5 soon!:eek:

Note: I have often met people who believe that by flashing your car's lights you can get a red light to turn green. In reality traffic lights are triggered by magnets under the road. Don't be fooled, just be patient and try again.


macrumors 65816
Jun 29, 2007
This worked for me, in the first try!

Even with iTunes open, go to Windows Explorer, type %AppData% in the URL and navigate to something like:
C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPod Software Updates\

Put the ipsw file there and thats it. Click on Update and it just work!!!

My iPod is restarting right now in iOS5.

Many thanks for sharing!


So this whole time, I've been trying to update by doing shift + update since I already had my phone backed up and iOS 5.0 IPSW downloaded. I constantly kept getting the 3002 error for the last 2+ HOURS. I finally decided to put my IPSW in my iTunes C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates and just press update and it's ACTUALLY working! This maybe the reason why everyone is getting an error since we're not n00bs to just press update (well I'm not).


macrumors regular
Aug 1, 2011
so my iPad was updated when I walked in the door. hooked up my 3GS, that took roughly an hour to update, ATV2 updated in approx. 10-15 minutes. all is up and running. only thing i can see that isn't working is the new airport utility app that's in the app store. anyone else having issues finding your AWEB?


macrumors newbie
Oct 12, 2011
New Albany, MS
Airplane Mode

Hey, everyone, thanks for all the input here (as usual). I wanted to post that my first iPhone (mine) is over the 3200 error hump after switching to Airplane mode before the update. Now, time for the wife's. As stated, this is probably coincidence, but I wanted to post for feedback. Been a long afternoon . . .


macrumors newbie
Oct 12, 2011
To Easily Update to IOS5

This may take a little longer than you want. However, if you visit this website
and download the firmware for YOUR PHONE :) from here and then First let your phone backup and then restore your phone using the downloaded firmware. Considering that your phone has to be restored anyways for the update when your phone finishes it can restore from a backup and put all your settings back and your songs and all the unnecessary apps you have :) ect.


macrumors 68000
Oct 30, 2002
San Diego, CA
Well, I've finally gotten past the failure of my iPad's restore after my attempt to do an update to iOS 5 and then after that a 3004 error which resulted in my iPad having been completely wiped clean and now after about 4 hours of waiting and work my iPad seems to be back up and running with the latest software.

I had to endure a complete factory restore and after that iTunes took me though a backup which must have been from an earlier sync. In any case, it seems that most things (all?) are back to their original places and I'm now running iOS 5.


macrumors regular
Dec 3, 2009
PNW Puget Sound
Finely mission accomplished

Had some problems and spent most of the day D/L ing the all the updates and ins talled the iOS 5 on my Verizon 4 iPhone. I had some problems with the iOS 5 update no error message just wouldn't too it! It's working now and all my Apps are working ok! :D


macrumors member
Nov 16, 2008
My experience updating in Australia:

5:30am - woke up, started the update.

7:30am - download finished.

7:35am - attempted to install the software on my phone at least 10 times. Continued to get the 3200 error at various stages of install.

8:00am - left for work with my phone still plugged in, no successful update.

9:15am - returned home to find error 3200 again.

9:40am - returned to work after starting the update process again.

11:30am - returned home to find error 3200 again.

11:35am - started having some success with the update. Finally extracted the software and began to install.

12:50pm - phone still restoring apps. Had to return to work.

3:30pm - return home. Restore still not complete.

3:35pm - gave up. Installed 10.7.2.

3:40pm - commencing restore from the point at which it was interrupted. Still not finished.



macrumors newbie
Aug 14, 2010
We are all idiots. This is what we should have been doing instead...

PS: It finally worked for me. I gave up last night. Went to bed. First thing in the morning I tried again and it's installing now... Yay! :)


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macrumors regular
Jan 14, 2010

So this whole time, I've been trying to update by doing shift + update since I already had my phone backed up and iOS 5.0 IPSW downloaded. I constantly kept getting the 3002 error for the last 2+ HOURS. I finally decided to put my IPSW in my iTunes C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates and just press update and it's ACTUALLY working! This maybe the reason why everyone is getting an error since we're not n00bs to just press update (well I'm not).

Thanks Man! You are a Life Saver, it works!
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