Frustrated with outdated Google Street View data?

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Kyoto office

More recent data than Google Street View!
The "Rabbit" logo


Mock image of the "Rabbit" application


We will send our Rabbits(Crowdsourced Drivers) to collect the street view photos.
For now only in the Bay Area

How to use Rabbit

"Rabbit" service flow


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For those who only need one set of data.


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Silicon Valley Headquarters

5214F Diamond Heights
Blvd San Francisco, CA 94131

Japan Branch Office

Kyoto university office, 12 Yoshida Honmachi,
Sakyo ku, Kyoto city,Japan 606-8317

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Silicon Valley

5214F Diamond Heights
Blvd San Francisco, CA 94131

Japan Branch Office

Kyoto university office,
12 YoshidaHonmachi, Sakyoku,
Kyoto city,Japan 606-8317

join our team


List ≫
Jan 6, 2022

On security and safety of HD maps

More autonomous vehicles (AV) are driving on our roads every day. It’s time we discuss the security and in particular the cybersecurity and safety of high-definition (HD) maps. This topic is wildly ignored but...

Oct 21, 2021

All you need to know about the ICCV 2021 map workshop

Summary of ICCV 2021 Workshop on Map-Based Localization for Autonomous Driving In case you couldn’t attend ICCV, let us give you...

Jul 21, 2021

Localization with Autoware

What you need to know about paths, transforms (TF) and other settings In this article, we will talk about how an autonomous vehicle can know its own location. But first, let’s start with a simple example...

Jun 25, 2021

Removing non-static objects from point clouds

Adapting LOAM to work with REMOVERT and running it on an example from nuScenes dataset Introduction Creating a map from from LiDAR scans is nowadays a standard process. It’s known as a...

Feb 4, 2021

Segmentation for Creating Maps

Image segmentation is one of the fundamental steps toward scene understanding of machines. By doing image segmentation, machines transit from the abstract image categorization toward more grounde...

Dec 24, 2020

Why loop closure is so important for global mapping

Here we show visual slam for monocular videos and how a consistent map is obtained via loop closure mechanism. For self-driving cars to localize themselves in a global environment, accurate geometric maps...

Sep 24, 2020

From depth map to point cloud

How to convert a RGBD image to points in 3D space This tutorial introduces the intrinsic matrix and walks you through how you can use it to convert an RGBD (red, blue, green, depth) image to 3D space...

Sep 18, 2020

Geometric consistency as a learning signal

Self-supervised learning is all the rage these days for machine learning. Whether its models like GPT-3 for natural language processing or data augmentation for computer vision, everyone is trying to get something...

Are you still working with that old street view data?

You can order your own streetview anytime anywhere.