Best Productivity Apps for Android in 2013

If you’re the busy type who depends so much on your Android Phone for emails, calls, text messages, and practically everything else, then it’s most likely that you have some productivity apps installed on your smartphone. If you think you need some more though, we have the list of 2013’s best productivity apps you can download from Google Play. And the best news is that most of them can be downloaded and installed for free.

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Before, having a to-do list meant writing on sticky notes and posting them in areas where you’d easily see them. That way, you can easily track your progress and also be reminded of what still needs to be done. With, there is no more need for sticky notes which are easily misplaced. allows you to have your list right on your smartphone, so you conveniently always have it with you. The beauty about is that it’s very simple and user-friendly.

best productivity apps

If you find typing lists on your smartphone annoying, you can just tap the microphone button and it will record your tasks and convert them into texts. You can also have it synced across multiple devices and share lists with others. Done with certain tasks? Just swipe them away and mark as complete. Completed all of the tasks? Just shake your phone and all completed tasks are removed. It’s that easy.

Battery Doctor (Free)

best productivity apps

Battery life is probably the thing about mobile devices that worries very busy professionals the most. After all, how can you make and receive calls and check emails when the battery’s drained? Charging can be difficult or next to impossible especially when you’re always on the go. So the solution would be to make your device’s battery power last the entire day. And this is where Battery Doctor comes in handy. Battery Doctor is a battery-saving app. It terminates all apps that drain your battery when you’re not using them and improves the speed of your device. It also installs widgets that help improve your device’s battery performance and charges your device in a unique way, boosting its battery life. It likewise estimates how much battery life your device has left and how much battery power you can save when you turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and more. So if you want to maximize your smartphone’s battery, this is the app to install.

Google Drive (Free)

best productivity apps

Google Drive is probably what every professional or student must have on their smartphones or tablets. This app not only serves as a cloud-based storage place for all of your important files. It also allows you to create and edit documents which, a few years back, were only possible through laptops and desktop PCs. Since it is cloud-based, you can create, edit, and even share documents even when you don’t have Windows applications installed in your smartphone or tablet. This, therefore, makes remote editing and sharing possible. Syncing across multiple devices is also allowed, saving you time and maximizing your efforts and resources.

LastPass Password Mgr Premium* (Free)

best productivity apps

Admit it. You sometimes forget your passwords and if it does happen, work life can suck big time. Forgetting passwords can really be a nuisance as it can result to wasted time and lost opportunities. Though you can write your passwords in a notepad or save it as a drafted text message on your phone, keeping all of your passwords in a single location is quite risky. Thus, you need an app that not only helps you collate all of your passwords but also protect them from prying eyes. This is exactly what LastPass Password can do for you.

This app, according to Google Play, “securely syncs your passwords across all your browsers and devices”. When you browse the Internet using the app’s built-in browser, it remembers all of the passwords you’ve entered on the sites you’ve visited, and automatically fills them out for you the next time you visit.  And in case you’re having problems creating a new password, the app can help you formulate a new one, thanks to its Secure Password Generator. The only thing that you must remember though is that for this app to work, you must save and install it in your phone’s internal memory and not in the SD card.

Checkout More:

These are just some of the Android apps that will help you improve your productivity.

Chiastine Ross
Chiastine Ross
Chiastine Ross, a freelance article writer and contributor who focus more on technology, mainly Gadgets and all the latest trends which are interesting for readers and tech enthusiasts.


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