About Talk Android

Our history

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Founded in 2008 by Chris Moor, Talk Android was one of the first publications to cover Android news. Talk Android started covering Android before the first handsets had even been unveiled and fast forward to 2024, we have published over 40,000 news items on the operating system.

We fondly look back on when the first Android-powered phone launched, the T-mobile G1 on October 22nd, 2008, we were around the cover that, and now fast forward to 2024, and we are at the forefront of all new Android devices that get launched, alongside covering anything to do with the operating system in general.

Talk Android today

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Android is now enormous, it powers billions of devices and we continue to love and report on it!

Led by Peter Holden, our Editor-in-Chief, he and his team regularly report on the latest news with daily articles. In addition to this, every month we also attend various launches and conferences to bring you the latest content as the news happens.

Meet our team

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Peter Holden, is our Editor-in-Chief and has been with Talk Android for 10 years, joining in 2014.

He leads a team of journalists who are based all over the world. Please check out our ‘Meet The Team‘ page to get to know the faces behind Talk Android!

If you would like to join our team, you can also visit our jobs page.

Talk Android FAQ

How to contact Talk Android?

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We're always eager to hear from our readers. If you have a comment or feedback on an article, feel free to post a reply right in the article itself.  

If you want to share a tip with us or reach out to us for any other reason, please visit our Contact Us page which contains multiple avenues of reaching us including our physical mailing address.

Who owns Talk Android?

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Talk Android is owned by Bigger Canopy after it was acquired from former owner, Howard Ha, in December 2023. You can read the press release for that here.

Bigger Canopy is a UK-based publishing investment company and was founded by Arran Rice. Arran is an internet entrepreneur who has been at the forefront of digital publishing for well over a decade, having founded multiple notable news websites, including Simple Flying, which was sold to Valnet Inc. in December 2021.

Bigger Canopy trades under Arran Rice Media Limited. A UK limited company with the company number: 11588794.