Drive Customer Acquisition with Student Verification

Engage students around the world with verified, exclusive offers secured by SheerID’s Student Verification Software.

Harness the Power of the Student Consumer Community

Research shows that students more strongly identify with being in college than with any other identity attribute. Brands that recognize this important life stage create an emotional connection that sets them apart from their competitors.

Rewarding students with an exclusive offer motivates them to try a new brand and join its loyalty program. And verifying the offer prevents fraud and drives greater retention because it gives you data you can use to re-engage them.


Students Worldwide 


of students check to see if a brand offers a student discount before making a purchase from it.


of students are more likely to buy from a brand if it gives them an exclusive offer.

How SheerID’s Student Verification Software Drives Customer Acquisition

Win Gen Z Customers

Gen Z wants to shop with brands that they feel connected to, and verified, exclusive offers create this bond. Research shows that more than half of students who receive an exclusive offer feel excited,  and 62% it makes them feel more emotionally connected to a brand.

Making students feel special pays off. Eighty-seven percent will check to see if a brand offers a student discount, and 89% are more likely to purchase from that brand.

Drive Greater Loyalty and ROI

Verified, exclusive offers endear students to your brand. Nearly 7 in 10 will shop more frequently with a brand that gives them a student discount.

Student offers also help increase customer lifetime value. Streaming media companies that provide student discounts see students convert to full price after graduating college at rates as high as 98%.

Female student on screen protected graphic from SheerID
Protect Your Offer from Discount Abuse

SheerID uses 200K+ authoritative sources to digitally verify students who redeem your offer, which protects your margins and increases your returns.

Student verification services also show that your offer is truly exclusive, which makes it more appealing and motivates students to promote it.

Activate Word of Mouth and Reduce CAC

Students have strong school networks and are quick to promote brands they like. Gen Z are digital natives and can easily make your offer go viral online, amplifying your campaigns and lowering your acquisition costs.

Female students with several screens showing a campaign from SheerID
Deliver Results Quickly

With our student discount verification software, you can launch a student program in less than a week. And SheerID’s Dashboard lets you track your returns and optimize your program for maximum success.

Female student with beanie on screen with phone showing verification from SheerID
Build Brand Trust by Respecting Privacy

Digital student verification is an opt-in process that requires only basic information—such as email address, date of birth, and name of the student’s school. Identify them once, then freely market to them.

Students prefer this consent-based approach to brand engagement. Nearly 85% of students won’t shop with a brand if they have concerns about its privacy policy or how it will use their data.

Recognize Students During Important Times of the Year

Mark your calendar! Holidays and key season trends are a great way to create peak promotion opportunities throughout the year that are unique to each group.

Back to School Shopping
July - September
Fall Semester Begins
August - September
College Dorm Move-Ins
August - September
Greek System Rush Week

How Top Brands are Using SheerID Student Verification Software


Comcast Creates a Gen Z Magnet

Comcast partnered with Amazon Music to create a compelling offer for students, and gated it with SheerID to ensure it was reaching the right audience. The program:

Grew subscriptions by 6x.
Increased conversions by 91%.
Is the top-performing gated program in Comcast history.
"Partnering with SheerID has given us a powerful new way to capture and retain our ideal customer segment, and has set us up for long-term success."
Cheri Davies
Senior Director of Acquisition Marketing

Targus Elevates Students and Generates Triple-Digit Growth

Targus went out of its way to recognize how hard students work by giving them a generous 25% discount on all its technology accessories. Students felt the love, driving year-over-year growth, including a:

increase in revenue.
increase in orders.
increase in conversions.
"Students are our future and we wanted to reward them for who they are by giving them a special offer they couldn’t get from any of our competitors."
Jon Pickard
Senior Manager of E-Commerce

Madewell Leverages Cause Marketing

Madewell uses more than a verified, exclusive offer to win students. The clothing brand runs programs that emphasize social responsibility and building community—priorities that appeal to Gen Z.

Hometown Heroes and Humans We Heart, are just two initiatives that make students feel like part of the Madewell family because they align with Gen Z’s values.


of students said knowing a brand gave special discounts or benefits to groups most impacted by the pandemic would positively impact their brand relationship.

Madewell Logo from SheerID

CompTIA Shuts Down a Fraud Syndicate

When CompTIA realized a syndicate was using fake .edu email addresses to purchase and resell its student vouchers, it implemented SheerID to protect its student program. The move:

Reduced discount abuse by 20%.
Generated an ROI of 20:1.
Saved more than 12 hours of manual effort each month.
"SheerID made it impossible to game the system and it was fun to watch the bad actors wither."
Randy Gross

Learn More about Identity Marketing to Students