Oracle by Example brandingSecuring Oracle Analytics Cloud Content

section 0Before You Begin

This 15-minute tutorial shows you how to secure the Oracle Analytics Cloud content such as folders and analyses in the catalog.


Oracle Analytics Cloud enables service administrators to secure folders, analyses, and other content stored in the catalog by creating application roles and assigning them to content items. As a service administrator, you can add individuals (users) and groups of users (roles) from your identity domain as members to an application role. It’s often quicker to assign privileges to multiple users through their predefined identity domain roles than it is to assign privileges to individual users.

What Do You Need?

  • Access to Oracle Analytics Cloud as a service administrator.

section 1Define Your Own Application Roles

Application roles enable you to control access to catalog items such as folders and analyses.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Analytics Cloud with your administrator credentials.
  2. In Oracle Analytics Cloud Home, click NavigatorNavigator icon, and then click Console.
    Access the Console
    Description of the illustration oac_console.jpg
  3. In the Console page, click Users and Roles.
  4. On the Application Role Management page, click the Application Roles tab, and then click Add.
  5. In the Add Custom Application Role dialog box, enter the following values, and click Save:
    • Name: Finance
    • Display Name: Finance
    • Description: To access financial data

    The Finance application role that you defined is listed in the Application Roles list.

    View the new application role
    Description of the illustration oac_new_application_role.jpg
  6. In the Finance application role row, click Members.
  7. In the Manage Members: Finance dialog box, from the Type list, select Roles. In Available Roles, select Administrators, click Move Move icon to move the Administrators role to the Selected Roles column, and then click OK.
    Add a role to the new application role
    Description of the illustration oac_add_role_to_new_application_role.jpg

    The members counter for the Finance application role is incremented to include the added role.

    View the member counter for the Finance role
    Description of the illustration oac_finance_member_counter.jpg
  8. On the Application Role Management page, for the Finance application role, under Members, click the Roles counter to display the detailed member information.

    For example, if you click the number 1, then information about the Administrators role is displayed.

    View the member that you added to the Finance application role
    Description of the illustration oac_finance_members_administrators.jpg

section 2Configure Permissions on Catalog Folders

  1. From Oracle Analytics Cloud Home, click Page Menu Page Menu icon, and then select Open Classic Home.
    Access the Oracle Analytics Cloud Classic home page
    Description of the illustration oac_classic_hpage_link.jpg
  2. From the Oracle Analytics Cloud Classic Home page menu, click Catalog, and then under Folders, select Shared Folders.
  3. From the Catalog menu, click New New icon, and then select Folder.
  4. In the New Folder dialog box, in the Name field, enter Regional Revenue, and click OK.

    The Regional Revenue folder is displayed on the Catalog page, under Shared Folders.

    Regional Revenue catalog folder that you created
    Description of the illustration oac_new_catalog_folder.jpg
  5. In Shared Folders, select the Regional Revenue folder. In Tasks, click Permissions.
    View folder permissions
    Description of the illustration oac_folder_permissions.jpg
  6. In the Permissions dialog box, select BI Consumer, and click Delete the selected user/roles Delete icon.
    Delete folder permissions
    Description of the illustration oac_delete_permissions.jpg

    The BI Consumer role is no longer listed as a permission for the Regional Revenue folder.

  7. In the Permissions dialog box, click Add users/roles Add icon.
  8. In the Add Application Roles and Users dialog box, in the Name field, enter finance, and click Search.
    Add folder permissions
    Description of the illustration oac_add_permissions.jpg
  9. From the Accounts list, select Finance, click Move Move icon to move the Finance application role to the Selected Members column, and then click OK.
  10. In the Permissions dialog box, for the Finance application role, in the Permissions column, select Open. Select the Apply permissions to items within folder check box and click OK.
    Add permissions to the Finance application role
    Description of the illustration oac_finance_role_permissions.jpg

section 3Verify User Permissions on Catalog Folders

  1. In Oracle Analytics Cloud Home, click Navigator Navigator icon, and then click Console.
  2. On the Console page, click Users and Roles, and then on the Application Role Management page, click the Roles tab.
  3. In the Administrators role row, click Members. From the Type list, select Users. In Available Users, select biauthoruser2, click Move Move icon to move biauthoruser2 to the Selected Users column, and then click OK.
  4. In Oracle Analytics Cloud Home, next to your login credentials, click the down arrow Down Arrow icon, and select Sign Out.
  5. Sign in to Oracle Analytics Cloud as a user associated with the Administrators role; for example, biauthoruser2.
  6. From Oracle Analytics Cloud Home, click Page Menu Page Menu icon, and then select Open Classic Home.
  7. From the Oracle Analytics Cloud Classic Home page menu, click Catalog, and explore the folders under Shared Folders. Notice that the user biauthoruser2 can view only the Regional Revenue folder.
    Notice that the user biauthoruser2 can access the Regional Revenue catalog folder
    Description of the illustration oac_biauthoruser2_folder_access.jpg

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