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Stay up-to-date with the latest content from NASA as our exploration of the universe and our home planet benefits all of us.

Tech Today: NASA’s Moonshot Launched Commercial Fuel Cell Industry 
2 min read

Agency’s technology development prepared fuel cells for tomorrow’s renewable energy grids

Giant Batteries Deliver Renewable Energy When It’s Needed
2 min read

Solar power is abundant – when the Sun is shining. Wind power is steady – when the wind is blowing. However,…

Food Safety Program for Space Has Taken Over on Earth
2 min read

System created for Apollo astronaut food has become the global standard for hazard prevention

New Energy Source Powers Subsea Robots Indefinitely
2 min read

Power modules driven by ocean temperatures save money, reduce pollution

Tech Today: Measuring the Buzz, Hum, and Rattle
2 min read

NASA-supported wireless microphone array quickly, cheaply, and accurately maps noise from aircraft, animals, and more.

Tech Today: From Spacesuits to Racing Suits
2 min read

For spacewalks to even be possible, spacesuits need insulation and temperature controls to withstand temperature swings between 250 and minus…

Tech Today: A NASA-Inspired Bike Helmet with Aerodynamics of a Jet  
2 min read

Before the U.S. Cycling Federation adopted a requirement for all bike racers to wear helmets in 1986, most people rode…

Tech Today: NASA’s Ion Thruster Knowhow Keeps Satellites Flying
2 min read

In low Earth orbit, satellites face a constant challenge – a tiny amount of atmospheric drag that, over time, causes…

Tech Today: Stay Safe with Battery Testing for Space
2 min read

NASA battery safety exams influence commercial product testing
