Ron Conway and the Economic Empowerment Award

Earlier today, Brian Chesky shared how influential Ron Conway has been at AirBnB as part of announcing a new Economic Empowerment Award. I wanted to take just a moment to share my own experience working with Ron over the years to say thanks.

But first a little background. Here in the Bay Area, Ron Conway is something of a legend. Shortly after I moved to California in 2006, I found myself sitting in an auditorium of aspiring entrepreneurs listening to Paul Graham (a legendary investor in his own right) give advice on how to start a company. One of his key pieces of advice: get Ron Conway to invest in your company. A few years later, after facing dozens of rejections, I was fortunate to do just that.

Ron invested when Pinterest was only a handful of people working out of an auto-repair shop turned office. I remember meeting him for the first time and being taken aback by his boundless energy. After a quick introduction, he began firing questions at me: how is recruiting going? What's happening with growth? How much capital do you have in the bank? He would furiously write down notes on yellow pieces of paper. 15 minutes later, he got up and said: "I've gotta go. I'll followup. Give me your phone number.” That afternoon, I started receiving text messages in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. There were introductions to investors. Names of leaders who we might recruit. Advice on how to negotiate business partnerships. I assumed this was how he treated his newest investments before moving on to his next portfolio company. Wow, was I wrong!

More than 10 years later, Ron is still sending me text messages in all caps and scribbling copious notes on scraps of yellow paper. He's helped us raise funding and negotiate office leases. He's introduced me to countless people who’ve become mentors and colleagues. And during the many times I've been at a crossroads as a leader, Ron has been one of the first people I call for advice. I can say without a doubt, Pinterest would not be the company it is today without his help. 

When Pinterest went public, Ron joined my family for dinner the night before the IPO to share stories with my parents about the many twists and turns that had led us to this milestone. There are lots of investors who are passionate about helping companies grow. I think Ron's secret is that his passion is helping people grow. 

There are a few times in life when you meet someone who sees more potential in you than you might see in yourself. Ron has been that kind of person for me. Ron, I'll always be grateful for your mentorship and friendship. My deepest thanks to you and Brian for this new commitment to helping the next generation of entrepreneurs make an impact all over the world. 

Talemwa Ivan

Senior Managing Director at Mabira E-com


It was really fun and inspiring reading article this, especially where Ron Started firing some serious question to you as regarding to your company. its ma prayer one day me too I find a Ron Conway for ma company. Thanks for sharing Ben.

Arjun Ghosh(Business Consulting, IT-GBS, SPC6®,ICP-ACC®)

Business Consulting | Digital Transformation | IT-GBS/GCC Strategy | Enterprise Agile Coach | Design Thinking Coach | SPC5 | Cloud First | AI/ML & RPA | Web3 | Prompt Engg. | Speaker | Angel Investor | Board Advisor


Amazing and inspiring 

Mario L.

Head of Tools Program Management @ Meta | Product | Engineering | Privacy | Ex-Pinterest


That was an inspirational article Ben. As always, lucky to learn from you!

Leka Devatha

Real Estate Developer | Broker | 🎤 Host of #RealEstateAtWork (RE Meetup)


One legend to another Ben!

Stefan Adrian Marogel

IT Entrepreneur | Business Process Automation | Lean Startup Promoter


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