I hate "AI" on LinkedIn
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I hate "AI" on LinkedIn

I had been off of LinkedIn and other such platforms for the better part of a year.

When I returned here, I found hundreds of connection invites.

Some small fraction were from people whose presentations I had critiqued at a #startup #pitchevent, otherwise knew me or clearly at least read my linkedin profile.

Perhaps half of the remaining were folks trying to sell me something that I didn't need. Most ironically, the majority of those were selling introduction services through LinkedIn messaging and were providing perfect examples of why not to use their services.

Most of the remainder seemed to follow this simple (and simply useless) sequence:

  1. Some presumably AI-ish algorithm had suggested they connect with me
  2. Either there was no initial message or there was a content-free AI-generated message
  3. There was nothing in their profile that suggested a common interest or conversation topic
  4. I replied was a generic "Thank you for reaching out here."
  5. They replied with either "My pleasure" or "No problem" which since there were many of each, I presume were AI-generated.
  6. I archived the conversation.

I think that this AI system is generating negative value for all involved and, of course, contributing to global warming while doing so.

I wish I could have a set of "opt-out boxes" on LinkedIn for AI-generated direct messages and algorithmically suggested connect requests.

I suppose that short of that I should build a system to filter these out.

I probably wouldn't even need #AI to do it.

As a side note, it saddens me that my first piece of public writing in half a year is useless venting, but at least I didn't outsource writing it to an #LLM -- but perhaps you-all will outsource the reading of it.

Does it count as ironic that I used my old custom GPT image generator to make the picture?

Patrick J. Tighe II

CPG Investments Net < 10% Success Rate! Flagship’s GTM Strategy Has 89% Success Rate, Proven Across 60+ Categories, Netting > $50 Billion+ in new Revenues


I couldn't agree more. They don't know my world!

Lance Cottrell

Follow for posts on startups and Angel Investing. I Transform fledgling Founders into Startup Titans. Board Member, Advisor, Mentor, Angel Investor, & Public Speaker.


Amen, brother! You would think that a well prompted AI could do much better than the trash that fills my inbox on LinkedIn.

Kåre Johan Teigen

CoFounder/CCO Wai Genetics


We are with no doubts going to see a lot of social interaction outsourced to AI. Being authentic takes effort and you make yourself vurnable to revealing flaws in our quirky aprouch to connect and say "hi". I like to be professional from time to time myself, and I must admit I regularly use AI to clean my writing errors. But as my conversation becomes more enthusiastic, and I am eagerly scrabling the next idea on my keyboard the quirkiness in the text starts to shine through. Maybe this type of quirkiness, where the participants in the conversation forget about presenting perfectness becomes a oasis of autenticness as a counter experience to over polished AI expression, or a fresh breath of the esthetic of "Wabi Sabi" imperfected autenticness. This might sounds strange but when I see some smal grammar or spelling mistake in a email or message reach I start to think: Oh cool, I know at least I am about to interact with a real human.

Jim Dennis

Senior Operations Engineer


Perverse incentives.

Brian Korn

VP Marketing & GM | I deliver revenue and margin growth for technology companies | Proven leadership steering global teams to exceed targets for a $400M business


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