From the course: Web Accessibility for Developers

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Manual testing

Manual testing

- Web browsers provide built-in tools for manually testing for accessibility issues, which you can later triage and fix. I'll be demonstrating web browser built-in accessibility tools in Firefox for Mac, but accessibility tools with varying functionality are available in all browsers for Mac and Windows. Check out the course handout for instructions on how to access the tools in other browsers. In Firefox, let's go to To access the built-in accessibility tools, we can right click anywhere on the page and select inspect accessibility properties, or use the keyboard shortcut command plus option plus C, and select the accessibility tab. The first tool we'll take a look at is the accessibility inspector. To activate it, click on the rectangle with the person. It has turned from black to blue, which means it's ready to inspect. As we're hovering around, it's inspecting anything we're hovering over. Let's take a look at the merchandise text that is overlaying the gradient…
