From the course: Web Accessibility for Developers

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Identify conformance goals

Identify conformance goals

- Prior to doing any accessibility work on your website, you may want to first decide what your goals are for conformance. Making your website accessible is not simply a binary of, is my website accessible or not? Instead, WCAG guidelines are categorized into three levels of conformance to meet the needs of different websites and different situations. These three levels are A, which is the easiest, AA, which is in the middle, and AAA, which is the hardest to meet. As we'll see, these levels build progressively on each other. The working group assigns success criteria to a conformance level after taking a wide range of issues into consideration, such as, are they essential? Are they possible to satisfy for all websites and types of content? And can they be reasonably achieved by content creators? Let's look at the conformance levels. Level A is the easiest conformance level to meet, and generally does not have much impact on a website's structure or design. It sets a minimum level of…
