From the course: SEO: Competitive Analysis

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Reviewing on-site SEO for competitor websites

Reviewing on-site SEO for competitor websites

From the course: SEO: Competitive Analysis

Reviewing on-site SEO for competitor websites

- [Instructor] On-site SEO is the foundation of SEO. It's where it all begins and it's one of the first things that search engines look at when indexing pages. So naturally, it's something that we need to look at when researching the SEO of our competition. On-site SEO deals a lot with the behind the scenes SEO of a website, the actual code behind a webpage. An on-page SEO influences the way that search engines perceive the website when they crawl over it. Once it's set up, it's usually static so it isn't something that's always changing over time. On-site SEO for your own site is very important and you may want to speak with your website administrator to make sure that it's set up properly. When looking at the on-site SEO of our competitors, there are certain aspects that are going to be valuable to us and certain aspects that aren't. I'll just try and talk about the relevant ones. To get started, I'm going to use Ubersuggest.…
