From the course: SEO: Competitive Analysis

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Reviewing competitors' targeted paid keywords

Reviewing competitors' targeted paid keywords

From the course: SEO: Competitive Analysis

Reviewing competitors' targeted paid keywords

- [Instructor] We've reviewed some of the primary organic keywords that our competitor's ranking for, so now let's take a look at some of the keywords that they're actively targeting through paid advertising campaigns. Again, we're using the SpyFu tool to do this, so make sure that you're on, that you've entered one of your competitor's web addresses in the search box, and have clicked the search button. This time, we're going to look at the paid search section, so we're just going to click right on paid keywords. Okay, so we can see our list of keywords with some data here, and if we actually click on one of these keywords, we'd be presented with some analytical data regarding the cost of advertising for this keyword, how many advertisers are currently paying for an advertisement for this keyword, and some additional information. What we're looking for, however, is to determine which keywords and key phrases…
