From the course: SEO: Competitive Analysis

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Reviewing competitors’ incoming links

Reviewing competitors’ incoming links

From the course: SEO: Competitive Analysis

Reviewing competitors’ incoming links

- [Instructor] I mentioned earlier in the course that search engine robots use keywords to determine the primary subject of a website. Keywords don't however, show search engines how valuable the content on a particular website is. One of the primary ways that robots determine the quality of the content on a website is by looking at the number and the quality of the links that lead to that particular website or webpage. So let's take a look at the back links that lead to one of our competitor's websites, the Courthouse Hotel. The tool that we're going to use is called Link Explore and is one of the top tools available for analyzing backlinks to a website. To access this tool, navigate to in a browser and then in order to use this tool, you'll need to log in to a free Moz account or create a new one. So you can do that by navigating to the top and clicking on Log In. On this screen if you don't already have a Moz…
