From the course: SEO: Competitive Analysis

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Performing keyword gap analysis

Performing keyword gap analysis

From the course: SEO: Competitive Analysis

Performing keyword gap analysis

- [Instructor] Let's talk about a more advanced, competitive SEO analysis technique. It's called keyword gap analysis. Also known as competitive keyword analysis. Keyword gap analysis is the process of finding keywords relevant to your website or business that your competitors rank highly for that you don't. Not yet, at least. Now, we've kind of been doing this throughout the course. We've looked at the top keywords that our competitors are ranking for. We're going to take a look however at how this process can be done more easily by making use of some of the features in the MOZ keyword explorer tool. Okay, so here I am on the MOZ website and I'm just going to open up the keyword explorer tool. So I'm going to go up to free SEO tools, going to click on more SEO tools. And then the first one listed, keyword explorer. We'll click on that. Okay now, what we need to do here is the first thing we need to do is we need to…
