From the course: SEO: Competitive Analysis

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Identifying value in competitors' SEO

Identifying value in competitors' SEO

From the course: SEO: Competitive Analysis

Identifying value in competitors' SEO

- [Instructor] As we discover the web presence of our competitors, it's important to have an idea of what information is most valuable and how we can use that information. Competitive research with SEO can help you understand the market better and where your organization fits in. It can help in establishing goals and help shape future plans. Along with looking at how competitors perform in areas such as product innovation and customer satisfaction, it's also important to take a look at how they perform on the internet and more specifically, how much traffic they're getting to their websites, where that traffic is coming from, and what they intend to do with that traffic, maybe convert a sale, increase brand awareness, maybe something else. By looking at a competitor's SEO profile and web presence as a whole, we can gain a lot of insightful information to use with our own business moving forward. As we proceed, the…
