From the course: SEO: Competitive Analysis

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Discovering online competitors with SWOT analysis

Discovering online competitors with SWOT analysis

From the course: SEO: Competitive Analysis

Discovering online competitors with SWOT analysis

- [Anson] At first glance, you may assume that your online competitors are the same as your offline competitors. Although this may very well be true, it also may not be true. There may be organizations in completely different industries than your industry, but that may be competing for the same keywords. For example, if you're selling toothpaste you may have to compete with Wikipedia for certain keywords related to toothpaste. Although you wouldn't consider Wikipedia a competitor in the brick and mortar world, they very well may be one of your competitors when it comes to ranking in search engines. In fact, this is an easy example because Wikipedia pretty much competes with everyone for ranking in SERPs. As we move through the course, I'm going to be using a hotel chain called Landon Hotels as an example organization. Specifically the London, UK location of Landon Hotel. Landon Hotels are luxury hotels that reflect…
