From the course: SEO: Competitive Analysis

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Checking for sitemaps on competitor websites

Checking for sitemaps on competitor websites

From the course: SEO: Competitive Analysis

Checking for sitemaps on competitor websites

- [Instructor] Sitemaps are files that show search engines the structure of a website and informs search engines how often they should re-crawl pages to see if they've been updated. There may be some information you can gather from sitemaps in terms of what's important to your competitor and how they've prioritized their website but for the most part, we've found this information throughout the course, using other more user-friendly tools. So you definitely want to check and make sure that your website has a sitemap and you can also take a look and see if your competitors' websites have sitemaps as well just to see how well they've developed their website from an SEO perspective. Sitemaps are really, really important for SEO. They're pretty much a must-have, which is why I'm including it in this course even though the research value we gain from sitemaps may be minimal. To check on the status of your sitemap and…
