From the course: Marketing on Facebook

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Why your business should be on Facebook

Why your business should be on Facebook - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Marketing on Facebook

Why your business should be on Facebook

- [Instructor] If there ever was a time to get your business on Facebook, it would be now. Using the powerful Facebook platform is one of the best ways online to get in front of your potential and current customers. In fact, your presence on Facebook serves as a cornerstone for your online identity. And often can be just as important as a website. How does your business get started marketing on Facebook? Well, you create what's called a Facebook page. This is where you'll publish content called posts and interact with your friends and audience as your business. With your Facebook page, visitors can stay connected with your brand, read the latest news, participate in conversations, and share interesting content with their friends. One of the most compelling statistics to get you using Facebook is that there are over 1 billion users on Facebook and growing. This means that seriously, your people are on Facebook and the perk…
