From the course: Marketing on Facebook

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View your Facebook Insights reports

View your Facebook Insights reports - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Marketing on Facebook

View your Facebook Insights reports

- [Instructor] When using Facebook Insights, sometimes the best way to look at all the information is to export it into a report format. Let's go over how to do this. First, you're going to want to make sure you're in Business Suite and we're in the Insights Dashboard within Business Suite for the Landon Hotel page. It's here in the overview that we can get started. Now, the first criteria you want to look at is your date range. What date range are you looking to pull for your reporting? You can use the last 28 days, which is the default, or you can set a custom date range. Once that's set up, Facebook will make sure now all the results are within that timeframe, and they make it really easy. So to the left, we can see the menu and these are the different reporting options we can choose from. That's results, content, and audience. So say for this report, my boss wants to see what type of people are liking our page.…
