From the course: Marketing on Facebook

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Understand Facebook Insights

Understand Facebook Insights - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Marketing on Facebook

Understand Facebook Insights

- [Instructor] How do you determine if your Facebook page is growing, and that you're posting the right content? Facebook Insights is where you'll see all of your analytical data from your Facebook page, and will be somewhere that you'll want to visit on a regular basis. Let's go over where you can find Insights, and how you can understand the important information it contains. To access Insights, you're going to want to visit Business Suite. This is where all your Insights are going to live. Currently, you can see that we're in the Business Suite for the Landon Hotel, and we're on the Insights tab. Right now we're viewing the overview dashboard. And the first thing to pay attention to is making sure that the date range is one that you want to view. If I select from the dropdown menu, it's here that I can change the date ranges, and I can even create a custom one. Below that are the results. So the first…
