From the course: Marketing on Facebook

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Set up an offer

Set up an offer

- [Instructor] A great way to set your business apart on Facebook and to generate some buzz is to set up an offer. In a Facebook offer, discount, or deal, you'll have a marketing objective that you wish to meet and then you'll create posts that show up as offers on Facebook as a way of reaching your intended audience. It's really easy to set up an offer campaign on Facebook and it's a perfect beginning point for newer or smaller businesses looking to create some more brand awareness or to drive traffic to a specific offer or discount. You'll find the offer button when you go to post on your page and it'll show up right underneath the box where you post your comment. Here I've started to set up an offer. Let's go through it. This is for the Landon Hotel Facebook page. We're creating an offer for locals. We're looking at creating a stay-cation offer, so anyone who's a local gets 15% off room rates. The first thing I…
