From the course: Marketing on Facebook

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Page recommendations and reviews

Page recommendations and reviews - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Marketing on Facebook

Page recommendations and reviews

- [Instructor] Recommendations are powerful endorsements. When customers publicly recommend you to their friends, it'll appear on their page for everyone to see. Ratings are now recommendations. Facebook has retired the star rating system. So now when your customer writes a review, they can choose to recommend or not your business and/or page. Let's take a look at how recommendations work. Here we are on the Landon Hotel page and I've toggled to the Reviews section. The first thing you see is a 3.0 out of five star rating. As I mentioned earlier, this star rating is being phased out. So it'll no longer show to page visitors in favor of whether or not they recommend your business to others. Visitors can still leave a review along with their recommendation. And let's take a look at that. Looking to the right-hand side, we can see that the reviews themselves are categorized by most helpful and most recent. Let's take a…
