From the course: Marketing on Facebook

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How to pin posts on your page

How to pin posts on your page - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Marketing on Facebook

How to pin posts on your page

- [Instructor] As you create content for your Facebook page, there will be times when you want to feature certain posts. The pending posts feature does just that. It's a great way to call specific attention to your content. The only way that posts are organized on your page is by posting date. So the pin feature helps you highlight specific posts one at a time. And after you pin that post, it will remain at the top of all your other posts right at the top of your page. Let's go over how to do that. Once you're on your page, the first thing you're going to do is to find a post that you wish to pin at the top. I want to pin the what's better than a vacation this summer post. So I'm simply going to select the three dots at the top right corner of this post. It's here then that I'm going to choose pin to top of page. And there we have it. You can see at the top, it says pinned post right above the post. And it now…
