From the course: Marketing on Facebook

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How to create a Facebook page

How to create a Facebook page - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Marketing on Facebook

How to create a Facebook page

- [Narrator] Creating a Facebook page is the first step to marketing and promoting your business on Facebook. Facebook will walk you through the creation process step-by-step but you will need to have a clear idea of what your business does, a profile picture, as well as a cover photo. Let's walk through those steps on how to set up your own Facebook page. First you'll need to log into your personal Facebook account. This account will be the one associated to the page you're setting up. It'll also be how you can manage your page. You'll also be able to add in other admins once your page is set up. The first step will be selecting the plus icon at the top menu. This is where you can choose page and set up your page. If you're on your Facebook page wanting to create a secondary one, you'll notice the exact same plus menu item at the top. And then you'll choose page. Here you can see that Facebook is guiding us…
