From the course: Marketing on Facebook

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Facebook stories

Facebook stories

- [Presenter] Facebook Stories are a great way to connect with your audience and share content between your regularly scheduled posts. All content posted to stories lasts only 24 hours, and these stories are full screen, with options of filters, stickers, and customizable overlays. When considering stories, focus on authentic over perfection. Authenticity and being candid is really what drives people's interests in your stories. Let's go over how you can add stories from your desktop. The best place to be is within Business Suite. And here we are in Publishing Tools. Now, in order to create a story, you're going to select Stories from the menu, and choose the blue Create Story button. Now, I'm going to go to a story that I've already set up. Here I am creating a new story. Now I have the option to share the story to both the Landon Hotel Facebook page, and an Instagram account if it's connected. The next step is to add…
