From the course: Marketing on Facebook

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Facebook Inbox

Facebook Inbox

- [Instructor] A great way to engage and keep in touch with your audience is through your Facebook inbox. Your inbox contains messages people have sent, any comments that have happened on your posts and general engagement on your page. You'll locate your inbox using the top menu, and it'll typically be next to the menu option page. Here, you can see that we are in the inbox for Landon Hotel. Let's take a closer look. All of your activity for your page is going to show up here. It's different from notifications because this is your comments as well as direct messages and gives you an opportunity to actually engage back to them. Notice right now we are in the Messenger tab. This is where any messages sent to your Facebook page are going to show up. Now, there's a couple more options that you can use when you receive messages, and I like to think of this similar to your email inbox. It's here that you can view your inbox in a…
