From the course: Marketing on Facebook

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Continue growing your business on Facebook

Continue growing your business on Facebook - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Marketing on Facebook

Continue growing your business on Facebook

- [Instructor] Congratulations, you've completed this course on how to market your business on Facebook. It is my hope that you're now confident using Facebook for your business and ready to attract your ideal customers. If you are new to Facebook pages, consistency is key. Don't go through all the work of setting up a page just to not update it regularly. Keep your fans engaged and looking forward to hearing from you. I suggest creating a calendar or schedule to help you know what and when to post. If you have been using Facebook pages for awhile, why not start advertising? Don't be afraid of boosting a post or creating a promotion. If you set your budget modestly in the beginning and keep track of what's working, you'll find your Facebook page will grow and you'll attract new and existing customers. To take your business to the next level on Facebook, be sure to watch my courses on Facebook advertising with both an…
