From the course: Marketing on Facebook

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Add a logo and cover photo

Add a logo and cover photo - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Marketing on Facebook

Add a logo and cover photo

- [Instructor] The visual appearance of your Facebook page, is a first impression of visitor gets, and you want to get that right. When someone lands on your Facebook page, you want them to feel the experience of your brand. Your page's cover photo, which is found here at the top, and it's that large rectangular block, should be a unique image that really represents your brand. It can be a photo of a popular product, your storefront, or even the people that work at your business. And it can also be a video, you're not just limited to an image. Below that is your profile picture. Here, you can see that the Landon Hotel logo is front row and center, and it looks really great in that circular shape. Let's go over how to add these image components to your page. Currently, we are in the visitor view, I'm going to select exit view as, that brings us back to The Landon Hotel page, but I'm going to go ahead and find the other…
